
I need to create a credit note for a customer that has been overcharged


If the Invoice has been processed and sent then you will need to create a credit note for the customer

To create a credit note-
  1. Open Action Screens / Jobs & Quotations Window
  2. Enter the Customer for whom you are creating the credit note
  3. Using the Type drop-down box in the Address Details section select Credit
  4. Enter the correct time and date for this credit note (by default it will show current time and date)
  5. Enter a reason for the Credit note, this will be included with the credit note when it is sent to the customer
  6. Click on the green Add button to move the credit note into the Current Route section
  7. Select the Financial tab on the right hand side of the Jobs window
  8. Enter the price in the Sales Price section ensuring that no matrices are shown, then click on Re-calc in the Jobs Costs section to update the Total Price (N.B. This should be a negative amount as it is a credit note)
  9. Click on Save Job to process the credit note, you will be asked a few questions- 1) Would you like to raise a Credit Note Immediately, 2) Do you wish to e-mail a credit note to "Customer email address", 3) Do you want to Print the credit note
  10. The credit note will now be saved using the next available Invoice number (as shown in the top right of the Jobs & Quotations screen)

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