Create Invoices

Create Invoices


Using the filter

The filter can be used to display only certain Jobs required for invoicing.

  • Show Jobs For: This will allow you to filter the Jobs to display the Jobs for a specific Customer only.

  • Date Range (between): This will allow you to filter for Jobs that have a planned Delivery date between the specified date.

  • Currency: If you are set to use Multi-currency then you can use this to filter the Jobs by their specific Currency.

  • Depot: If you have multiple Depots set up, this filter will allow you to filter for Jobs based on their Booking Depot.

  • Invoice Frequency: If you have customers that you invoice at different times, e.g Weekly, monthly, etc, then you can use this filter to display only specific Customers based on their set invoice frequency.

  • Hide if on Live Console: This will allow you to filter out Jobs that are still showing on the Live Console, if used correctly the live Console should only contain jobs that are NOT completed and therefore not ready to be invoiced.

  • Remove / Apply Invoice Filters: These buttons will remove any filtering or Apply the selected Filtering respectively

NOTE: if a job has been ticked for processing prior to the filter being adjusted and is subsequently filtered out of the list, it will still be ticked for processing, however only jobs shown in the current filter will be processed.

To be safe ensure that you clear all 'Process selected' Jobs before changing the filter





Invoice Types

Detailed invoice: If you have multiple Jobs ticked for processing this type will generate a separate Invoice for each Job with a dedicated Invoice number for that Job

Combined Invoice: If you have multiple Jobs ticked for processing this type will combine Jobs for the same customer onto a single Invoice giving each job the same Invoice number




Setting the Invoice Date

  • Detailed Invoices will apply the Invoice date set in the top section - showing as 12/05/2023 in the shown example.

    • Alternatively Detailed Invoices can also be set to apply the Job Delivery Date or the Job Entry Date as the Invoice date.

  • Combined Invoices will apply the Invoice date set in the lower section - showing as 15/05/2023 in the shown example.

    • When you select to process a Combined invoice after ticking the Jobs for processing you will get a pop-up modal asking if you would like all dates to be changed to the specified Combined Invoice Date

      • Selecting Yes will set all the dates to that marked and you will then need to re-save the ticked for processing list before you can action the invoice run

      • Selecting No will use the oldest date from those set by the Detailed Invoice setting (Invoice Date / Delivery Date/ Job Entry Date) for each combined invoice.




Using the Summary

  • Marked Est. Total: This is a sum of the estimated prices for each of the ticked for processing Jobs

    • Estimated prices are those calculated in the Job Screen

  • Marked Act. Total: This is a sum of the actual prices for each of the ticked for processing Jobs

    • Actual prices are those shown in the Actual Price column on the invoicing screen, When a job is ticked for processing it will, by default, copy the Est price into the Actual Price column unless there is already a price (<> £0) already in that column. This may be caused by the Job line having been previously ticked for processing before a price change on the job itself.

  • Difference: This will show if there is a difference between the Market Act and Marked Est totals and the sum of those differences.

  • Show Differences: Ticking this checkbox will highlight, in red text, any Jobs that have a difference between the estimated and actual price.

  • Unmarked Total: This will show a sum of the prices for Jobs that are on the invoice screen but NOT ticked for processing

  • Total Marked Jobs: this shows the number of jobs currently ticked for processing in the current filter and will update when a new tick is applied or one is removed. NOTE: you will still have to save the changes before you can action an invoice run.




Process Selection

The process column will allow you to select which Jobs/rows you wish to process in the invoice run.

  • Each Job row can be individually selected by ticking the checkbox adjacent to that Job.

  • The main checkbox above the grid is used to mass select rows:-

    • To select all rows:-

      1. Select the top row by clicking in the process column BESIDE the checkbox

      2. Scroll to the bottom of the grid

      3. Hold Shift and click the bottom row in the process column BESIDE the checkbox

      4. you will be able to see which rows have been selected by looking at one of the other columns, the Total Estimate Price column for example, which will be highlighted in blue if the row is selected.

      5. Click the main checkbox above the grid to tick all selected rows

    • To Select on mass (but not all rows):-

      1. If all the Jobs you wish to tick are adjacent then follow the above but instead of shift + Bottom Row you would use shift + Lowest row that you wish to tick

      2. If the rows are not adjacent then you can hold Ctrl while selecting each required line by clicking in the process column BESIDE the checkbox, then once all have been selected click the main checkbox above the grid

    • NOTE: If you have any lines ticked before selecting all, when you click on the main checkbox it will toggle those jobs to unticked

  • If you have the Customer set up to require HC PODs or PO Numbers and the job that you wish to tick for processing has not had these set, then when you hover over that job you will be presented with a red warning (as shown in the 2nd image) to let you know that this row cannot be ticked for processing until it has the criteria met.

    • Selecting everything or selecting multiple lines using the above routines will NOT tick these jobs

      • The PO Number can be simply entered on this screen in the appropriate column, there is no need to open the job Page to do this

      • The HC POD can be added by double clicking in the process column BESIDE the checkbox to open the GOB/POD modal and ticking the Hard Copy checkbox then saving.







Preview / Commit / Email

Once you have selected the Jobs to Invoice:-

  • Invoice Template Select the Invoice Template that you wish to use for the invoices.

    • By default you should only have one Invoice Template which is managed by the settings in the Customer record. (Invoice with Totals on the back sheet). If you have a bespoke invoice created for you then you will be able to select that from the drop down box

  • Use Customers Invoice Template if available If you have had a custom Invoice created for a specific customer, you will be able to set that Invoice in the Customer record, ticking the checkbox here will use that Template instead of the one in the drop down box ONLY for that specific customer.

  • Preview To preview Invoices ensure that the Commit and Email checkboxes are UNTICKED and click the RUN button

    • This will generate a pdf preview of the invoices which will be downloaded to your downloads folder.

  • Commit Invoice(s) Once you are happy that the invoice information is correct then you can tick this checkbox to commit the Invoices to the system, stamping the Invoice Number against the relevant Jobs and removing them from the list of Jobs to be invoiced. Simply tick the checkbox and then the RUN button

    • If you have made any changes since the last save of the Process Job list then you will be prompted to save again before proceeding. You will then be asked if you wish to commit, this is a final check to ensure that this cannot be done by accident.

    • This will generate a pdf of the invoices which will be downloaded to your downloads folder, and generate a Batch Number for the invoice run that you have just completed.

  • Email Invoice(s) Having this ticked will automatically email the correct invoices to the correct customers even if the customers and invoice numbers were mixed on the Invoice run.

    • Your customers MUST have an accounts email address registered in their Customer Record. If no email address is present then Journease will still commit the Invoice and include it in the download, but will not email it.




Reprint Existing Invoice

Invoice reprints can be done from both the Sales Invoice screen and from the Job Screen

From the Invoice Screen

  1. Click on the Reprint button to bring up the Reprint Invoice modal

  2. Select the invoice template that you wish to use

  3. Enter either the Invoice No. (for a single invoice reprint) or a Batch No. (for ALL invoices on that Batch)

  4. Click the Display button to reprint the selected Invoice(s)

  5. Click the Email button to Automatically email the invoices to the correct Customer







From the Job Screen

  1. In the top left of the Job Screen you will be able to see the Invoice No. associated with this Job (marked in yellow in the image)

  2. Click on the Down Arrow next to the Report button to bring up the Reprint Invoice modal

  3. Select the invoice template that you wish to use

  4. To Reprint click the Display button to reprint the selected Invoice(s)

  5. To Email enter an Email Address, Email Subject and Email Body then click the Email button


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