Descriptive Menu

Descriptive Menu



Used to logout current user but keeps the Journease software open


Used to exit the Journease software


Show Map

Toggles the map on/off

Show additional map

opens a second map in a separate window with added Trip list view

Show Journease community Key

populates the map showing addresses of companies signed up to Journease Community
Show PDA LocatorDisplays the PDA locator window used with Journease Mobile GPS Tracker

Switch Mapping

Allows you to switch between Bing and MapPoint as the map provider. (N.B. requires a MapPoint Licence)

Easy Start 

Feature discontinued as of Update 6.6.708

Whilst this section presents simplified wizards for easy setup, we at Journease would recommend using the Lookup, Vehicles & Services and Action Screens tabs to do these tasks as greater detail can be added this way.  

First time Setup

Only used in the initial set up of Journease, this will usually be done by Journease staff before the App is released to your company

Add Vehicle Type

Create a new vehicle Type for use in Journease

Add Customer

Create a new Customer in Journease

Add Supplier / driver

Create a new transport supplier or employed driver

Book Quote / Job

Book a quote or create a new job




Customer Details

Used to view, add new customers and amend stored customers (preferred method)

Customer Rates

This is now incorporated within the Customer Details section

Customer Groups

Used to create new Customer groupings and amend saved Groups

Customer Reports

Used to manage regular reports sent to your customers. These can also be run from the reports Tab

Suppliers & Drivers

Used to create new Suppliers/Drivers and to amend stored Suppliers/Drivers (preferred method)


Used to set Main depot Address and additional depots

Additional Prices And Costs

Used to create additional costs that can be applied to jobs e.g. waiting time, Bridge Tolls

Finance -


Used to manage pricing matrices for jobs e.g. price per mile, price per vehicle that will change depending on the job i.e. where no fixed price has been agreed

Pricing Zone Sets

Used to set Zones for pricing e.g. London central congestion charge, can also be used to set capture zones for Trips.

VAT Rates

Used to set VAT rates and codes for invoicing


Used to set various currency and exchange rates

Sales Reps

Used to manage payment instructions for Sales Representatives 


Used to set up Status Codes that are used in Jobs and Trips


Used to add new and amend stored products that are commonly used for jobs

Default Settings

This is used to manage the default settings for how Journease looks, what emails are sent, and details for your accounts package

Image Manager

This is where your company logo image is uploaded and stored

Sent Emails

This opens a search box where you can search for all previous sent emails and resend if required



Used to add and delete users for your copy of Journease (N.B. this is Log on users not Journease accounts)

User Access

Used to manage what privileges registered users have

Next Numbers

Used to set the next available number for invoices/Jobs/Trips etc. (This will be set by the Journease staff when you go live and should not be changed after)

Third Party Vendors

This is used to manage logon information for third parties such as Courier Exchange and Postcode Lookup

Mobile App Users

Used to manage users of Journease Mobile

Tracking and SMS

Used to set up and manage SMS messages sent out for tracking purposes on Jobs and Trips


Used for managing Journease Back – end databases and customisations. (this will be set by Journease staff and should only be accessed by qualified members)

Vehicles & Services

Vehicle Types and Services

Used to add and manage Vehicle Types and services available (preferred method)

Service Types

Used to manage Types of service e.g. same day, Parcel and also manage vehicles used for the specific service type


Used to add and monitor individual vehicles, this is where you can view information about vehicle checks and upcoming events like MOT and Service

Vehicle Checks

Here you can print a form for manual vehicle checks, input data from vehicle checks and print reports for all outstanding defects

Vehicle Defects

Here you can view all defects past and present by vehicle and print a defect report per vehicle

Vehicle Checks (via Mobile App)

Users of Journease mobile can see their vehicle checks in real time here as they are produced by the mobile device, once saved these will also be visible in the Vehicle checks form.

Action Screens


Probably the most useful page in Journease, it opens a search window where you can search for just about anything within your Journease software

Jobs and Quotations

This is an in depth screen where you can set up new jobs, manage existing Jobs with all details. Also Quotes and Templates can be done here (preferred method)


Use this to set up and manage your trip data for each vehicle/Supplier/Driver

Live Console

All Jobs and Trips that are currently live can be viewed from this console, with additional information about drivers hours, additional costs etc.

Recorded Drivers' Hours

This screen provides a service to track employee drivers hours (N.B. this is for information only and cannot be used as legally binding information).

POD Recorder

Use this to view and change proof of delivery details for given Jobs/Trips

Job Reminders

Maintain Job Reminders

Use this to change current reminders on Templates

View Current Reminds

Use this to view current reminders and create jobs from templates


Clean Uploaded Jobs

Here you can view a list of Jobs that have non valid postcodes, they can be checked and adjusted here

Import External Files

Use this to import external CSV files for bulk input of Addresses, Stock, Customers, Jobs and Suppliers

Journease Community

Use this to locate Journease Community people that could be used to help with a job

Send SMS Messages

Allows you to send SMS messages on the fly e.g. Texting a customer to update on delivery time.


Sales Invoices

Used to View, update, send and print invoices and invoice batches

Record Invoice Payments

Used to record part or full payment against raised invoices

Create Accounts File

Used to create a file for importing into your accounts package based on processed invoice batches

Supplier Self Billing

Used to create an invoice for self-billing i.e. raising and invoice to yourself on behalf of a supplier in regard to Jobs done (N.B. read notes on self-billing and VAT at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/vat-self-billing-arrangements).

Supplier Match Invoices

Used to match up invoices to suppliers for Jobs and Trips

Warehouse (only available to Journease Warehouse subscribers)

Stock items and PIDs

This is where you can control, locate and monitor your held stock also where you will find the function to print stock PID Labels

Picking Lists

Used to create a picking list for Jobs and Trips also where you will find the print label function for given Picks

Depot Trunking

Used to set up stock transfer between Depots

Stock Locations

Used to create stock locations in depots that will be used by the stock items console and picking lists

Reject Codes

Used to set up reject codes used in the stock items window



The go to place for printing your Journease reports on anything from Trip details to unpaid invoices, also customise how your report will look

Journease Community

Journease Community

Another link to the Community Console


Show all WindowsWill show all open windows in a cascade
this will Expand to show each window that you have openClicking on the specific window will take you to that window


Help & FAQsClicking this will bring you to our customer knowledge base
News, Updates and purchases
RegisterUse this screen to register your company with Journease to gain extra benefits
Request Remote SupportClick here to allow Journease staff to log on and help you with any issues that you may be experiencing
Authentication & SecurityThis is where you will find all the details relating to your Journease subscription
AboutHere you will find information about the version of Journease that you are currently using

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