Vehicle Checks

Vehicle Checks

Clicking on the daily checks button in the Vehicles window or navigating to the daily checks sheet Vehicles & Services/Vehicle Checks will open the vehicle checklist. 

Click on the Ch’k Sheet button along the top, this will print out a form that the driver can fill out while performing the check.

Once the vehicle has been checked and the form filled out you can then manually enter the information into this window using the drop-down boxes to specify the Vehicle registration and Checkers name.

Any defects that are found on the daily checks are listed in Vehicles & Services/Vehicle Defects window, clicking on the Outstanding Defect’s button will bring up a printable report of all vehicle defects listed by Registration Number for all vehicles showing both rectified and outstanding.

At the bottom of the Vehicle Checks window you can see a history of checks and defects relating to the specified vehicle (if no vehicle registration is input then it will show history for all vehicles). Double clicking on an entry in the history list will show that record for viewing.

If you wish to make any changes to this record then it will need to be unlocked (note that if you are changing the record to say that a defect has been resolved then this should be done through the Vehicle Defects window and not on the Daily Check history). To unlock a record for editing click on the padlock button at the top of the window, likewise to lock the record again click on the padlock.

Users of Journease mobile can have the vehicle check sheet sent through to a registered mobile where on completion of the check Journease will automatically update the Vehicle check making the process a lot quicker and less prone to copying errors.

All Vehicle checks and Vehicle Defects for Journease mobile are monitored and adjusted using the Vehicles & Services/Vehicle Checks (via mobile app)