Vehicle Defects

Vehicle Defects

This Window shows a list of defects across all vehicles that have been manually checked.

  • The tick box, at the top, when ticked will filter out all resolved defects and only show those that are still outstanding. Scroll bars along the side and bottom will allow you to view all the information.
  • Entering a registration in the Vehicle Reg Drop-down box and clicking refresh will change the list to show only defects for that vehicle (again, if the tick box is ticked it will only list outstanding defects).
  • When defects are reported on the daily checks they will automatically be added to this list.
  • Clicking the print button will print the currently viewed list. 
  • Clicking the Out Defect button will create a printable report on all outstanding defects listed by vehicle.
  • Select a single record by clicking on the relevant row and then clicking on the Ch’k Sheet button will allow you to see the Daily check report sheet that reported the defect.
  • Once a defect is rectified then input the relevant information into the record row under columns Rectification (what you did), Rectification Date (when it was actioned) and Rectified By (Who actioned the repair), then click on the save button to save the record, you can rectify multiple defects before you save.
  • Ticking the Hold Vehicle tick box will place that vehicle on hold and won’t allow it to be allocated to jobs or trips, this will be reflected in the Vehicles window. N.B. If the Vehicles window is open at the time the tick box was ticked or unticked then it will need to be closed and re-opened to reflect the change.

Users of Journease mobile can have the vehicle check sheet sent through to a registered mobile where, on completion of the check, Journease will automatically update the Vehicle check making the process a lot quicker and less prone to copying errors.

All Vehicle checks and Vehicle Defects for Journease mobile are monitored and adjusted using the Vehicles & Services/Vehicle Checks (via mobile app).

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