Picking lists

Picking lists

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 5

Fig 1

When you first open the Picking List window you will see a list of Job Items waiting to be picked. Tick either the Multi Select Mode or the Select All tickbox to create a new picking list

Fig 2

A new screen section will appear showing the next available Picking ID

If using the Multi Select Mode then highlight each item that you wish to add to this picking list (when Select All is ticked then all items will be highlighted) Then click on Allocate Pick List ID to set these items against the picking list ID

Fig 3

We can now see that the selected items have a Pick List ID against them showing that they have been allocated, the user that is designated to pick these items can then use his scanner to scan the PIDs into the picking list (this is described in more detail in the Journease Warehouse Mobile App section.

Fig 4

If we now use the Filter (Criteria) section to look up items for the allocated picking ID we can see that there are five "handbags" that need to be picked

Fig 5

Looking at the Stock Items & PIDs windows and filtering the search for "handbag" we can select the top five available stock that we wish to allocate (this is only to draw your attention to the PIDs that we are using for this example, you would not usually be required to open this window)

Fig 6

Once the designated user has scanned the PIDs into the system the PIDs, Picked From Location Code and Destination Location Code can be viewed on the picking list screen along with the name of the User that has completed the pick and the time that the item was scanned into the pick

Warehouse Picking Lists

73644 - 36922

Required – Auto Allocate MUST be switched off (generally the journease customer will be either using Auto Allocate OR Picking lists, Never Both) – customer should NOT have auto create PIDs switched on

Method 1: Auto Allocate Stock – NO PL

Add stock to a Job, save Job, Journease will automatically allocate a PID to the job from those that are in stock.

On Scanner select LOAD VEHICLE – enter JOB or TRIP number and location that you are placing them (either vehicle / transit location or Despatch location)

Need to scan EXACT PIDs

Method 2: Scan Stock – NO PL

Add stock to a Job, Save Job

On Scanner select LOAD VEHICLE- enter Job or Trip Number and location that you are placing them

(either vehicle / transit location or Despatch location)

Can scan ANY PID relating to that product – once scanned Journease will allocate that PID to the Job/Trip

Method 3: Job Picking lists – these can be products required for any number of jobs not a single job

Add stock to a Job, Save Job

Stock will appear in list of stock to be picked in Picking List Screen

Select Multi Select Mode tickbox

Select NEW – Create New Pick List

Select PIDs to be added to Pick List

Click  Allocate Pick List ID this will put the newly created Picking List ID against the selected stock

On Scanner select PICK STOCK – enter Picking Identifier Code (Picking List ID) and the location that you are placing them (either vehicle / transit location or Despatch location)

Can scan ANY PID relating to that product – once scanned Journease will allocate that PID to the Job/Trip

Method 4: Trip Picking List – TPL

Add stock to Jobs, Save Jobs – Job Address MUST be Trippable

Allocate Jobs to a Trip

On Picking Lists Screen use the drop down box in top left to select the TPLxx where xx is the Trip Number

On Scanner select PICK STOCK – enter Picking Identifier Code (Picking List ID) and the location that you are placing them (either vehicle / transit location or Despatch location)

Can scan ANY PID relating to that product – once scanned Journease will allocate that PID to the Job/Trip

This can also be done without creating a picking list by simply using Method 2: and entering a Trip Number, however this will not create a Picking list record in the Picking lists screen.

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