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The Job screen is sectioned into five concertinas:- Details, Addresses, Route Summary, Financial and Job Documents (as shown in the image at the top of the page).
when opening the job Screen these can be left expanded or Closed by showing the Pin Icon, or the Close Icon on the right of the concertina.
Pin Icon
Close Icon
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The absolute minimum requirement for a Job is to have a Customer and one Address.
If automatically pricing Jobs then you will need to include a Vehicle Type and, if required, a Service Type
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Customer - This is the customer that you are doing the Job on behalf of, clicking into this field will show a list of
all current customers or
account customers only, select the customer from the drop down list.
you can also create a Quote for a new customer simply by entering their name, however the customer account that is created will need to be updated before you can create a Job.
Customer PO / Ref - These fields are for entering the customer purchase order and the customer reference respectively.
Booking Depot - If you have multiple Depots set up you can select which Depot is responsible for this Job
Load Details - This is a field where you can record basic details of what you are carrying at Job Level
Add Details to Invoice - Tick this checkbox to display the Load Details on the invoice
Internal Code - This allows you to add a Label to the job for easier recall, usually used when creating Template Jobs
Other Details - This is an area where you can record CRM details regarding this Job, Track and Trace details can be added here as well.
Add Details to Invoice - Tick this checkbox to display the Other Details on the invoice
Vehicle Type/Service - Select the Vehicle type or Service that applies to this Job, this will have an effect on the automatic pricing and available suppliers/drivers.
Service Type - This is the 2nd level service type that applies to this Job, this will have an effect on the automatic pricing.
Supplier - Use this drop down to assign a Subcontractor that can drive the selected Vehicle
Extends the 1st concertina to give extra controls
Job Status - If using Statuses to progress your Jobs, the current Status will show here and can be manually altered using the drop down.
Stock Status - Similar to Job Status except showing the current Status of the Stock applied to this Job, this is used mainly with Journease Warehouse.
Contact Email - By default all communications regarding the Job will be sent to the Main contact Email for the Customer. You can use this drop down to select an Alternative email to send details to, multiple addresses can be entered by separating them with a semicolon ( ; ).
Main Contact
Accounts Contact
Additional Contact
Free Type a different Email Address
Vehicle - Used to enter the Vehicle Registration that will be performing this Job, either by selecting from the drop down of your own vehicles, or manually typing a new one.
Trailer - Used to enter the Vehicle Registration that will be performing this Job, either by selecting from the drop down of your own vehicles, or manually typing a new one.
PDA - Used with Journease Mobile to send the Job to a Mobile Device as opposed to a Vehicle or Driver directly
Tail Lift Required - Tick this if the Job requires a Tail Lift, this information will be included in Jobs sent to 3rd party vendors.
Driver 1 / 2 - Use this drop down to assign an Employee that are able to drive the selected Vehicle Type
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Add Address - Used to add a new address (see below)
AdHoc Job - Used to create an Ad-Hoc Job (this is an Job with No addresses used, for example, to create Credit Notes, Jobs( other than transport) that needs to be Invoiced
A Job can ONLY have Addresses OR AdHoc, not both
Settings - Used to apply additional settings for address at Address Level
Add Start/End Depots Addresses - this will automatically add your Depot Addresss as the First/Last address in the Job
Optimise Stops - Providing you have at least four unique addresses you can select this to optimise the order of the addresses
Calculate Times - usually ON by default, this will calculate the times between addresses when calculating the route
Show on Live Console - Will make this Job appear on the Live Console
Stop Minutes - used to add a set amount of stop minutes to each address
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Address Type - Select from
Collection - Self Explanatory
Delivery - Self Explanatory
Exchange - Going to take an item to an address and bring back the item it is replacing
Pickup - Collection g an Item from an address to bring back to your depot
No Show - Any address that should be included in the routing and the pricing but is not shown in customer communications
Via - Any address that should be included in the routing but is not shown in customer communications
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Green Button - Will automatically fill in the Customers main contact address
Blue Book - Will open a Modal that shows all previous addressess used for this customer and address type, selecting from this address book will automatically fill out the address details.
Blue Binoculars - Postcode lookup, will return a list of addresses around the selected postcode, selecting from this will automatically fill out the address details. (requires 3rd party vendor account)
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Postcode - Enter the postcode of the address (If Known)
///W3W - What 3 Words, Entering a valid What3Words will fill in the entire address automatically
Restricted Access - Tick this to signify that the address has access restricted
Is Tripable - Tick this to signify that this address is to be planned onto Trips
Booking Time - tick this if the time set against this address is the fixed time All other times will be calculated from this address time, if none are set then Journease will default to the 1st Address as being the booking time.
NOTE: Only one address can be set as Booking Time
Time - Set the Planned Date and Time for this address
If Calculating Times is on then you only need to put the time and date against the 1st Collection or the address set as Booking Time as all other times will be calculated from this.
If an address is to be Tripped then this Date and Time will be irrelevant at Creation Time as it will be updated and determined by the Trip.
Window - This can be used to set a Time Window start and End between which the address is expected to be completed.
Stop Hrs - This will determine how long the driver is allowed to stop at this address before moving onto the next, this may be used for unloading time, assembly time, etc.
Trip # - If this Job address is allocated to a Trip then the Trip number will be displayed here.
Address - Three lines for address details to be entered e.g. Drytac House || Filwood Rd || Fishponds
City - The City for this address e.g. Bristol
Country - The country for this address
Note: if the address is outside of the UK then the Country needs to be set before entering the postcode so that it can be geocoded correctly
Company - The name of the company, or the individual if not a company
Contact - The main contact at the company that you are delivering to/Collecting from
Tel No - Contact telephone number for the address
Mob no - Contact Mobile Number for the address
Email - Contact email for the address
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Extends the 2nd concertina to give extra controls
Cc Email / Bcc Email - will allow you to add additional email addresses as Copy / blind Copy espectively
Ref #1 - #3 - These are free type fields that can be used for custom details
Special Instructions - Used to enter special instructions for this Job Address e.g. Deliver to Back Door, Only open after 9AM, etc
Use the Green + to add a line, use the red - to remove a selected line
Add a line and select the Product Code (If no products are available use the MISC product code)
Note: if you have stored products then the following details will be added automatically from your Products table.
Product description - A brief description of the Product Item that you are carrying.
Auto Create PIDs - Tick this checkbox if you wish Journease to Create a new PID for this item, untick if drawing from stock. (Only available for users of Journease Warehouse)
Item Qty - The Number of Items for this product Code (e.g. 2 Beds)
Pieces per Item - The number of boxes that make up one item (e.g. 1 Main bed, 1 Headboard = 2 Pieces)
Weight / Item - The weight per Item (all pieces) for this Item
Estimated Weight - Tick this checkbox if the set weight is an estimate
Vol per Item (m³) - The volume of this Item (all pieces)
Loading Metres (m²) - The ‘footprint’ of this item (sometimes also used to signify number of ‘SEATS’
VM Weight (Kg) - Volumatic Weight
Item Length / Width / Height - If n Volume is entered then entering these dimensions will automatically calculate the volume of the item (Note Dimensions are in CM)
Other field in this subsection are only used for Journease Warehouse customers and are explained in the warehouse section.
Once addresses have been entered clicking on Image Removed will calculate the Route and Times (if required) and will fill in the route summary section.
The Map will show the currently calculated route, clicking on the Map Edit button will allow you to scroll along, zoom in and zoom out of the Map.
You can also set addresses from this map: This is handy if a postcode cannot be geocoded e.g. new builds
Zoom in to the location of the address
Right click on the Building / Road that you are delivering to / Collecting From
The address will be automatically calculated and added in the Address Concertina as a new address
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Summary - These will be automatically entered when the route is calculated, however they can be manually updated simply be typing a new figure into the field, doing so will lock the adjacent padlock.
Unlocking the padlock will make it available for auto-calculating again
Mileage Totals
Total Mileage - The Total Miles for all addresses on the Job
Loaded Mileage - The Mileage between 1st Collection and Last Delivery
Radial Mileage - The Distance between 1st Address and Last Address as the crow flies
Address Requirement totals
Qty Items - The total number of Items that you are carrying
No. Pieces - The total number of Packages that you are carrying
Total Kg - The Total Weight of the items that you are carrying
Total Volume (m³) - The total Volume that you are carrying
Load Mtrs (m²) - The Total Loading Metres (SEATS) that you are carrying
Journey Totals
Pickups/Drops - The number of Delivery addresses
Total Time - The Total Time for the entire Job
Note: If you are using Trips then this information is not required as it will be determined by the Trip(s) that the addresses are planned on to.
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Non Inv Job - Tick this if the Job Is Not to be Invoiced
This will stop the Job from appearing on the Invoice Screen
Cost Centre - This should be automatically filled from the Customer record, however it can be overwritten on a Job by Job Basis
If manually changed then the Padlock will be locked (red)
This MUST be present if you are exporting invoice data to an external accounts package.
VAT Code - This should be automatically filled from the Customer record, however it can be overwritten on a Job by Job Basis
Currency - This is populated from the Customer record and cannot be changed here
Exchange Rate - This is populated by the exchange rate against the selected currency and cannot be changed here
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Pre Paid Jobs (non account Customers)
Payment Rx’d - Tick here if full payment has been received
Payment ref - The payment reference for the transaction
Payment date - The date that the last payment was received for this Job
Having these details filled in will create an invoice immediately when the Job is created. This invoice can be printed immediately or printed later by using the Drop down next to the Reports Button at the top of the screen
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Apply Rules - If you have rules set against your Jobs Ticking this will run those rules when the Job is SAVED (Default) or unticked if you don't want the rules to run
Calculator Icon - Use this to recalculate the Prices and Costs for the Job without recalculating the Route information.
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Self Explanatory
Exchange - Going to take an item to an address and bring back the item it is replacing
Pickup - Collection g an Item from an address to bring back to your depot
No Show - Any address that should be included in the routing and the pricing but is not shown in customer communications
Via - Any address that should be included in the routing but is not shown in customer communications
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Green Button - Will automatically fill in the Customers main contact address
Blue Book - Will open a Modal that shows all previous addressess used for this customer and address type, selecting from this address book will automatically fill out the address details.
Blue Binoculars - Postcode lookup, will return a list of addresses around the selected postcode, selecting from this will automatically fill out the address details. (requires 3rd party vendor account)
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Postcode - Enter the postcode of the address (If Known)
///W3W - What 3 Words, Entering a valid What3Words will fill in the entire address automatically
Restricted Access - Tick this to signify that the address has access restricted
Is Tripable - Tick this to signify that this address is to be planned onto Trips
Booking Time - tick this if the time set against this address is the fixed time All other times will be calculated from this address time, if none are set then Journease will default to the 1st Address as being the booking time.
NOTE: Only one address can be set as Booking Time
Time - Set the Planned Date and Time for this address
If Calculating Times is on then you only need to put the time and date against the 1st Collection or the address set as Booking Time as all other times will be calculated from this.
If an address is to be Tripped then this Date and Time will be irrelevant at Creation Time as it will be updated and determined by the Trip.
Window - This can be used to set a Time Window start and End between which the address is expected to be completed.
Stop Hrs - This will determine how long the driver is allowed to stop at this address before moving onto the next, this may be used for unloading time, assembly time, etc.
Trip # - If this Job address is allocated to a Trip then the Trip number will be displayed here.
Address - Three lines for address details to be entered e.g. Drytac House || Filwood Rd || Fishponds
City - The City for this address e.g. Bristol
Country - The country for this address
Note: if the address is outside of the UK then the Country needs to be set before entering the postcode so that it can be geocoded correctly
Company - The name of the company, or the individual if not a company
Contact - The main contact at the company that you are delivering to/Collecting from
Tel No - Contact telephone number for the address
Mob no - Contact Mobile Number for the address
Email - Contact email for the address
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Extends the 2nd concertina to give extra controls
Cc Email / Bcc Email - will allow you to add additional email addresses as Copy / blind Copy espectively
Ref #1 - #3 - These are free type fields that can be used for custom details
Special Instructions - Used to enter special instructions for this Job Address e.g. Deliver to Back Door, Only open after 9AM, etc
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Use the Green + to add a line, use the red - to remove a selected line
Add a line and select the Product Code (If no products are available use the MISC product code)
Note: if you have stored products then the following details will be added automatically from your Products table.
Product description - A brief description of the Product Item that you are carrying.
Auto Create PIDs - Tick this checkbox if you wish Journease to Create a new PID for this item, untick if drawing from stock. (Only available for users of Journease Warehouse)
Item Qty - The Number of Items for this product Code (e.g. 2 Beds)
Pieces per Item - The number of boxes that make up one item (e.g. 1 Main bed, 1 Headboard = 2 Pieces)
Weight / Item - The weight per Item (all pieces) for this Item
Estimated Weight - Tick this checkbox if the set weight is an estimate
Vol per Item (m³) - The volume of this Item (all pieces)
Loading Metres (m²) - The ‘footprint’ of this item (sometimes also used to signify number of ‘SEATS’
VM Weight (Kg) - Volumatic Weight
Item Length / Width / Height - If n Volume is entered then entering these dimensions will automatically calculate the volume of the item (Note Dimensions are in CM)
Other field in this subsection are only used for Journease Warehouse customers and are explained in the warehouse section.
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Once addresses have been entered clicking on Image Added will calculate the Route and Times (if required) and will fill in the route summary section.
The Map will show the currently calculated route, clicking on the Map Edit button will allow you to scroll along, zoom in and zoom out of the Map.
You can also set addresses from this map: This is handy if a postcode cannot be geocoded e.g. new builds
Zoom in to the location of the address
Right click on the Building / Road that you are delivering to / Collecting From
The address will be automatically calculated and added in the Address Concertina as a new address
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Summary - These will be automatically entered when the route is calculated, however they can be manually updated simply be typing a new figure into the field, doing so will lock the adjacent padlock.
Unlocking the padlock will make it available for auto-calculating again
Mileage Totals
Total Mileage - The Total Miles for all addresses on the Job
Loaded Mileage - The Mileage between 1st Collection and Last Delivery
Radial Mileage - The Distance between 1st Address and Last Address as the crow flies
Address Requirement totals
Qty Items - The total number of Items that you are carrying
No. Pieces - The total number of Packages that you are carrying
Total Kg - The Total Weight of the items that you are carrying
Total Volume (m³) - The total Volume that you are carrying
Load Mtrs (m²) - The Total Loading Metres (SEATS) that you are carrying
Journey Totals
Pickups/Drops - The number of Delivery addresses
Total Time - The Total Time for the entire Job
Note: If you are using Trips then this information is not required as it will be determined by the Trip(s) that the addresses are planned on to.
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Non Inv Job - Tick this if the Job Is Not to be Invoiced
This will stop the Job from appearing on the Invoice Screen
Cost Centre - This should be automatically filled from the Customer record, however it can be overwritten on a Job by Job Basis
If manually changed then the Padlock will be locked (red)
This MUST be present if you are exporting invoice data to an external accounts package.
VAT Code - This should be automatically filled from the Customer record, however it can be overwritten on a Job by Job Basis
Currency - This is populated from the Customer record and cannot be changed here
Exchange Rate - This is populated by the exchange rate against the selected currency and cannot be changed here
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Pre Paid Jobs (non account Customers)
Payment Rx’d - Tick here if full payment has been received
Payment ref - The payment reference for the transaction
Payment date - The date that the last payment was received for this Job
Having these details filled in will create an invoice immediately when the Job is created. This invoice can be printed immediately or printed later by using the Drop down next to the Reports Button at the top of the screen
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Image Added
Apply Rules - If you have rules set against your Jobs Ticking this will run those rules when the Job is SAVED (Default) or unticked if you don't want the rules to run
Calculator Icon - Use this to recalculate the Prices and Costs for the Job without recalculating the Route information.
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Matrices - Use this to select up to three Price Matrices to calculate the Price
These may be automatically populated depending on Customer > Service type > Vehicle Type but can be manually overridden on a Job by Job Basis
Lock matrices - Will lock in the current selected matrices in place preventing them from being changed automatically if changing Customer, Vehicle Type or Service Type
Include Product Matrix - tick this if you have pricing set against the products which you wish to be included in the overall price.
Surcharge - use this to add a percentage surcharge to the Main Sales Price / Main + Additionals
This may be automatically populated by default settings but can be manually overridden on a Job by Job Basis
Main Sales Price - This is the Main Sales Price as calculated based on:
Price Matrices set against the Customer > Service type > Vehicle Type
Mileage Rate and Minimal charge set against the Customer > Service type > Vehicle Type
Price Matrices set against the Products in the Products Table
This can be manually overridden simply by typing a figure into the field (this will lock the padlock -RED)
Total Add' Prices - This is the Calculated Total of the additional Prices (see below)
Surcharge - This is where the sum of the calculation for the surcharge percentage is entered
This can be manually overridden simply by typing a figure into the field (this will lock the padlock -RED)
Total Price - The Sum of all of the above
Hovering the mouse pointer over this field will show the Price including VAT
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Matrices - Use this to select up to three Price Matrices to calculate the Price
These may be automatically populated depending on Customer > Supplier> Service type > Vehicle Type but can be manually overridden on a Job by Job Basis
Lock matrices - Will lock in the current selected matrices in place preventing them from being changed automatically if changing Customer, Vehicle Type or Service Type
Include Product Matrix Percentage- tick this if you have pricing set against the products which you wish to be included in the overall price.Surcharge - use this to add a percentage surcharge to use this to pay the supplier a percentage of the Main Sales Price / Main + Additionals
This may be automatically populated by default the settings in the supplier record but can be manually overridden on a Job by Job Basis
Main Sales PriceSupp' Cost - This is the Main Sales Price Supplier Costs as calculated based on:
Price Cost Matrices set against the Customer Supplier > Service type > Vehicle Type
Mileage Rate and Minimal charge set against the Customer Supplier > Service type > Vehicle Type
Price Matrices set against the Products in the Products Table
This can be manually overridden simply by typing a figure into the field (this will lock the padlock -RED)
Vehicle Cost - This is usually governed by a Matrix set against the Vehicle Type
Total Add' PricesCosts- This is the Calculated Total of the additional Prices (see below)
Surcharge - This is where the sum of the calculation for the surcharge percentage is entered
This can be manually overridden simply by typing a figure into the field (this will lock the padlock -RED)
Total Price of the additional Costs (see below)
Total Cost- The Sum of all of the above
Hovering the mouse pointer over this field will show the Price including VAT

Total Job Profit - This will show the profit made on this Job (Total price - Total Costs) and the Percentage Margin
Supplier invoice - If an invoice has been created (Self Bill) or Matched (Supplier matching) the Invoice number for the main Cost will appear here
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Matrices - Use this to select up to three Price Matrices to calculate the Price
These may be automatically populated depending on Supplier> Service type > Vehicle Type but can be manually overridden on a Job by Job Basis
Lock matrices - Will lock in the current selected matrices in place preventing them from being changed automatically if changing Customer, Vehicle Type or Service Type
Percentage- use this to pay the supplier a percentage of the Main Sales Price / Main + Additionals
This may be automatically populated by the settings in the supplier record but can be manually overridden on a Job by Job Basis
Main Supp' Cost - This is the Main Supplier Costs as calculated based on:
Cost Matrices set against the Supplier > Service type > Vehicle Type
Mileage Rate and Minimal charge set against the Supplier > Service type > Vehicle Type
This can be manually overridden simply by typing a figure into the field (this will lock the padlock -RED)
Vehicle Cost - This is usually governed by a Matrix set against the Vehicle Type
Total Add' Costs- This is the Calculated Total of the additional Costs (see below)
Total Cost- The Sum of all of the above
Total Job Profit - This will show the profit made on this Job (Total price - Total Costs) and the Percentage Margin
Supplier invoice - If an invoice has been created (Self Bill) or Matched (Supplier matching) the Invoice number for the main Cost will appear here
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The Green Plus and Red Minus buttons are used to add or remove a line in the additional costs grid
Supplier Name - this will show the current supplier (if one is already added to the job), or can be set to a specific supplier
this is used if there is a cost associated with this line.
Description - Either free type a description of the additional cost, or select it from the drop down listing items in your Additional Prices & Costs table
Price/Price (GBP) - If selecting from the drop down box then these fields will be automatically filled in from the table, however these can be manually altered here
If manually entered make sure to tick the Lock Price checkbox to stop the entered price being removed
Estimated Cost - If selecting from the drop down box then this field will be automatically filled in from the table, however this can be manually altered here
If manually entered make sure to tick the Lock Cost checkbox to stop the entered price being removed
Price / Cost Matrices - If selecting from the drop down box then these fields will be automatically filled in from the table, however these can be manually altered here
VAT Code - If selecting from the drop down box then this field will be automatically filled in from the table, however this can be manually altered here
Additional lines can be added to add multiple additional costs, these will all be summed up and the total shown in the Left Hand and Right hand sections (see above)
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This concertina will allow you to upload documents to the job as well as view any documents already uploaded or imported via Journease Mobile or CX
Upload a Document
Select the document type
Addressphoto - Photo taken at the address
POD - Image of POD documentation
General - General Documents relating to the job
Select the Address to which you would like to attach the document
File Description - Give a meaningful name to the uploaded document, e.g. POD, insurance notes, photo of damage, etc
Click the Choose File button to open your PC folders and navigate to the correct image
These must be .png, .jpg, .jpeg or .pdf document formats
Click Upload to upload the image, or Cancel to cancel the upload
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Available Documents
Once uploaded (or imported from Journease Mobile / CX) the file will appear in a list here
Double Clicking on the file will show you a preview of the document in a new window.
Click on the red Image Removed button to remove the document from the job

There are three methods of sending a Job to a Supplier depending on the Supplier access.
These are:
Supplier Confirmation report by Email (or printed document)
Journease Mobile
Courier Exchange (see next section Sending Jobs to CX)
Supplier Confirmation Report
Click the Reports button at the top of the Job Screen
Select Supplier Confirmation from the drop down
Enter the email details for the Supplier and Click the Email Button
Click on the Display Button - This will download a pdf of the Report to your Downloads Folder from which you can Print the report.
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Journease Mobile
If the supplier has Journease Mobile then, once you have entered the Supplier against the Job and Saved the Job, you simply need to click on the Mobile button at the top of the Job Screen to send it to that mobile device.
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Sending Jobs to CX / SDCN
In order to POST Jobs to the CX or BOOK directly with a CX member, the Supplier field of the Job MUST be blank and the Job MUST be saved.
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Click on the Send Exchange Button to open the CX Modal
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CX Modal
To POST to the CX - Click the Post to Exchange button
This will post the Job to the exchange with minimal details (e.g. 1st part of the postcode and address, brief outline of the goods)
Once agreed with a supplier, or to book directly with a supplier
Enter the Suppliers CX number in the CX Member ID field and press the search button
Image Removed This will pull through the suppliers details from the CX and enter their name in the Supplier Field
If booking with a previously used CX member then you can select these from the Supplier Dropdown
Enter the Agreed Supplier Cost
Click the Book on Exchange button
This will send the full details to the Supplier and link the Job to that Supplier to enable the GOB/POD details to be returned to Journease.
To Cancel a POST or BOOK on CX Click on the Cancel post On Exchange Button
NOTE: you must cancel the Job on Journease NOT on CX directly, otherwise the link between CX and Journease will be broken and you will be locked out from amending the Job in Journease.
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Should the details of a Job change, e.g. a change of address or contact details, additional Prices / Costs being added, etc.
These can simply be changed in the Job Screen and the Job Re-Saved, up until the Job is Invoiced at which point a number of fields will be locked out.
If these changes affect the Delivery and the job has already been sent to Journease Mobile then once the changes have been entered simply send to mobile again to send the updated details.
If these changes affect the Delivery and the job has already been booked with a driver CX, once the changes have been made, you will need to cancel the booking and re-book the job, or manually change the booking details on CX itself.
GOB and POD information can be updated using the GOB / POD Modal which is available from the Job Screen or the Live Console Screen.
In the Job Screen Click on the Action button to open the modal
In the Live Console Screen Double Click on the Job Line
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Click into the field that needs updating and type the relevant information.
If entering a GOB/POD for the current date then you only need to enter the Time (14:25) and then click out of the field or press enter to set it to the current Date
If the time you are entering is the current time then entering a period (.) and clicking out of the field or pressing Enter will set it to the current Time and Date
Selecting a Field and pressing the Del key will remove the entry
Don't forget to press the SAVE key to lock in your changes
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The Green Plus and Red Minus buttons are used to add or remove a line in the additional costs grid
Supplier Name - this will show the current supplier (if one is already added to the job), or can be set to a specific supplier
this is used if there is a cost associated with this line.
Description - Either free type a description of the additional cost, or select it from the drop down listing items in your Additional Prices & Costs table
Price/Price (GBP) - If selecting from the drop down box then these fields will be automatically filled in from the table, however these can be manually altered here
If manually entered make sure to tick the Lock Price checkbox to stop the entered price being removed
Estimated Cost - If selecting from the drop down box then this field will be automatically filled in from the table, however this can be manually altered here
If manually entered make sure to tick the Lock Cost checkbox to stop the entered price being removed
Price / Cost Matrices - If selecting from the drop down box then these fields will be automatically filled in from the table, however these can be manually altered here
VAT Code - If selecting from the drop down box then this field will be automatically filled in from the table, however this can be manually altered here
Additional lines can be added to add multiple additional costs, these will all be summed up and the total shown in the Left Hand and Right hand sections (see above)
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This concertina will allow you to upload documents to the job as well as view any documents already uploaded or imported via Journease Mobile or CX
Upload a Document
Select the document type
Addressphoto - Photo taken at the address
POD - Image of POD documentation
General - General Documents relating to the job
Select the Address to which you would like to attach the document
File Description - Give a meaningful name to the uploaded document, e.g. POD, insurance notes, photo of damage, etc
Click the Choose File button to open your PC folders and navigate to the correct image
These must be .png, .jpg, .jpeg or .pdf document formats
Click Upload to upload the image, or Cancel to cancel the upload
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Available Documents
Once uploaded (or imported from Journease Mobile / CX) the file will appear in a list here
Double Clicking on the file will show you a preview of the document in a new window.
Click on the red Image Added button to remove the document from the job

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There are three methods of sending a Job to a Supplier depending on the Supplier access.
These are:
Supplier Confirmation report by Email (or printed document)
Journease Mobile
Courier Exchange (see next section Sending Jobs to CX)
Supplier Confirmation Report
Click the Reports button at the top of the Job Screen
Select Supplier Confirmation from the drop down
Enter the email details for the Supplier and Click the Email Button
Click on the Display Button - This will download a pdf of the Report to your Downloads Folder from which you can Print the report.
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Journease Mobile
If the supplier has Journease Mobile then, once you have entered the Supplier against the Job and Saved the Job, you simply need to click on the Mobile button at the top of the Job Screen to send it to that mobile device.
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Sending Jobs to CX / SDCN
In order to POST Jobs to the CX or BOOK directly with a CX member, the Supplier field of the Job MUST be blank and the Job MUST be saved.
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Click on the Send Exchange Button to open the CX Modal
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CX Modal
To POST to the CX - Click the Post to Exchange button
This will post the Job to the exchange with minimal details (e.g. 1st part of the postcode and address, brief outline of the goods)
Once agreed with a supplier, or to book directly with a supplier
Enter the Suppliers CX number in the CX Member ID field and press the search button
Image Added This will pull through the suppliers details from the CX and enter their name in the Supplier Field
If booking with a previously used CX member then you can select these from the Supplier Dropdown
Enter the Agreed Supplier Cost
Click the Book on Exchange button
This will send the full details to the Supplier and link the Job to that Supplier to enable the GOB/POD details to be returned to Journease.
To Cancel a POST or BOOK on CX Click on the Cancel post On Exchange Button
NOTE: you must cancel the Job on Journease NOT on CX directly, otherwise the link between CX and Journease will be broken and you will be locked out from amending the Job in Journease.
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Should the details of a Job change, e.g. a change of address or contact details, additional Prices / Costs being added, etc.
These can simply be changed in the Job Screen and the Job Re-Saved, up until the Job is Invoiced at which point a number of fields will be locked out.
If these changes affect the Delivery and the job has already been sent to Journease Mobile then once the changes have been entered simply send to mobile again to send the updated details.
If these changes affect the Delivery and the job has already been booked with a driver CX, once the changes have been made, you will need to cancel the booking and re-book the job, or manually change the booking details on CX itself.
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GOB and POD information can be updated using the GOB / POD Modal which is available from the Job Screen or the Live Console Screen.
In the Job Screen Click on the Action button to open the modal
In the Live Console Screen Double Click on the Job Line
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Click into the field that needs updating and type the relevant information.
If entering a GOB/POD for the current date then you only need to enter the Time (14:25) and then click out of the field or press enter to set it to the current Date
If the time you are entering is the current time then entering a period (.) and clicking out of the field or pressing Enter will set it to the current Time and Date
Selecting a Field and pressing the Del key will remove the entry
Don't forget to press the SAVE key to lock in your changes
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Clicking the Down Arrow next to the Actions Button will allow you to access Track and Trace settings where you can add information to the customer visible tracking, Send an Update Email to the customer and add comments to the Other Details (or any combination of the above)
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Job Reports
Click the Reports button to access Job Related Reports
Select the required report from the Drop Down list at the top
If Emailing the report, Enter a valid email address in the To Address field
Likewise for the CC and BCC fields if required
If Emailing the report, Enter a Subject and Email Message ( the message will be the email and the Report will be a pdf attachment)
You can select to send yourself a copy of the email to your main email address by ticking thre checkbox
If Emailing the report, click on the Email Button
Clicking on the Display button will send a pdf copy of the report to the downloads folder on your Computer

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Deleting a Job
Click on the down arrow next to the Save button and select Delete Job
This will open a new pop-up where you will be required to enter the word DELETE followed by the Job Number in order to confirm deletion.
This process cannot be reversed, once deleted the Job is gone
Once a Job has been deleted there will no longer be any record of that job
If a Job has been Posted to CX, then the Job Post will need to be cancelled via the Send Exchange button before it can be deleted, and before it is deleted on the CX itself.
Failure to cancel the job before deletion will result in a mismatch between CX and Journease preventing any further updates to the CX post via Journease

