Set Default Values that affect the Customer Screen
If ticked this will automatically tick the associated HC POD checkbox in the Customer > Accounts tab for new customers
Having this ticked against the customer will make Journease ONLY allow the creation of invoices if a Hard Copy POD is present for the Job to be invoiced.
If ticked this will automatically tick the associated Show Add. Prices checkbox in the Customer > Accounts tab for new customers.
Having this ticked against the customer will make Invoices generated for that customer include a full breakdown of additional prices for each Job, unticked will include the additional prices in the main price.
If ticked this will automatically tick the associated Group by PO Number checkbox in the Customer > Accounts tab for new customers.
Having this ticked against the customer will create a new invoice for each PO Number set on a combined invoice for that customer, unticked will combine all the selected Jobs onto one invoice regardless of PO Number