General Navigation

General Navigation


  1. Selecting a page from the left hand menu will change your current page to the selected

  2. Holding Ctrl and selecting a page will open that page in a new Tab

    1. You can have a maximum of eight Tabs open at any one time

  3. Contacts, Vehicles/Services and Settings will expand to show sub-menu items that can be navigated to in the same way.

  4. Clicking on the User Icon will allow you to edit the General Settings providing you have the correct permissions to do so.

  5. Clicking on the three lines in the top menu will show / hide the left hand menu

    Allowing for full screen display of the main viewing area






Page Tree

The page tree can be found in the top left of the main viewing area and will show the path to the current page.

Clicking on a previous page of the tree (text highlighted in Blue ) will return you to that page




Quick Links in Header

  1. Clicking on the Magnifying Glass icon will open a Quick Search modal allowing you to enter a Job/Quote No., a WebBooking Id or a Trip No.

    1. When you click on the Search button it will instantly take you to the selected record.

  2. The Bell icon will have a small red dot at the top if you have unread notifications, clicking on it will show your notifications.

  3. The Arrow icon will log you out of your current session (Note: any Tabs that you have open will still show but will not allow any changes to be saved until you log back in)




Quick Links in Footer

  1. Clicking on the House icon will take you to the Main Journease Website

  2. Clicking on the Globe icon will open a new Tab and take you to the Journease Customer Log-In page where you can sign up for access which will allow you to view your Journease Account Details and Journease Invoices including all previous invoices (Note: you will need your Journease Company ID in order to sign up for access, this can be provided on request by Journease customer support

  3. Clicking on the Envelope icon will open up a new email to Support@Journease.co.uk allowing for quick writing of an Email support request








Bug Reporter

The Bug Reporter can be found at the bottom of the screen, clicking on this icon will open the Bug Reporter Page on our Customer Help Portal where you will be able to report System Bugs and Suggestions.

By default the first page that opens will be the Ticket creator.

  1. Select the Department that you wish to place a ticket

  2. Select a Category from the drop down box, this should reflect which page you were on when you found the bug

  3. Select the Sub Category if required (Contacts, Vehicles/Services and Settings all have subcategories)

  4. Enter your Contact Name

  5. Enter your Email Address

  6. Enter a Subject for the Ticket

  7. Give a Description of the bug that you have found and try to include any relevant information (e.g. what you were trying to do at the time, what failed and any Failure Codes you might have received)

  8. You can attach any relevant documents using the Paperclip icon

  9. Click the Submit button to send the email direct to the Development Team









Session Details

In the footer we can find details about your current session, these may be required when requesting support

API | shows which version of the API your system is using


Version | shows the System version that you are running (This should be Production only and should not change)


DB: | shows the database version that you are currently running (this should be the latest version)


Tenancy: | shows which Company you are currently logged into




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