Contacts - Supplier Records
Add New / Open existing Supplier record
To add a new supplier click on the Add Supplier button in the top right of the screen.
Note: the new supplier name MUST BE UNIQUE
To open an existing record simply click on the supplier name in the supplier name column of the grid
Entering a new Supplier
Details Tab
Supplier Name
This must be unique and may contain alpha-numeric characters
Supplier Type
Use the Drop down box to select from:
SubContractor For example an outside firm that you subcontract work out to, or a Owner Driver that you pay / Job
Employee This could be an employee of your company or an employee of one of your subcontractors
CX Member A Courier Exchange Supplier that you give work to
PDA If you wish to set up a specific device for Journease Mobile irrespective of the driver
NOTE: SubContractors and Employees MUST be set up before you can use them on a Job.
CX Members can be assigned to a Job through the CX integration and a Supplier Record will be automatically set up for them
If creating a CX member manually then you need to enter the CX Member ID here.
Note: this field will only become active if Supplier Type CX is selected
Supplier Address
Address Line 1
Postcode - Once geocoded will automatically fill in the City (NOTE: If postcode cannot be Geocoded then you will not be able to route to/from this address)
Department Code
If using SAGE as a third party accounts package this will need to be set to match the Sage Department Code for suppliers, otherwise set it to 1
Details Tab
Active checkbox
Having this ticked will make the Supplier Active.
Untick if the supplier is no longer operating for your company. Non-Active suppliers will not appear for selection in your supplier drop downs (e.g. Job Screen - Supplier, Live console - supplier, etc)
In Journease we cannot DELETE suppliers only make them NON-ACTIVE for historic records
Hold Checkbox
If a supplier is still operating for you but is currently on hold then ticking this checkbox will notify the user when trying to create a job using this supplier
Show on mobile App
If you are using Journease Mobile and have either Job Creation or Vehicle Checks addons, then ticking this checkbox will allow this supplier to sign for the vehicle check and be available for instant allocation of jobs created on the mobile.
Default Depot
If you are set up with mutiple Depots, use this drop down to signify which Depot this supplier works from. leaving it blank will make them available for ALL depots
Default Driver
If this supplier is an external firm, you may have a specific Employee that you always use from the firm, entering that driver as a default means that whenever you select this supplier the driver will be added to the job by default. NOTE this can be changed on the job if need be.
Default Vehicle
If this supplier uses a specific vehicle (Reg) then you can add that here, whether it is selected your vehicles (using the drop down) or not (manually Typed).
Whenever you select this supplier the Vehicle Reg will be added to the job by default. NOTE this can be changed on the job if need be.
VAT Registered / Number
If the supplier is registered for VAT on their invoices then tick this checkbox and enter their VAT number.
When exporting Supplier invoices, The VAT number will be shown and the VAT calculated
Self Bill
Normally Suppliers will send you an invoice for the work they have done, which you would then match up in Journease to the Jobs.
If a supplier is Self Billed this would mean that you have entered an agreement with the supplier to generate invoices on their behalf.
For this you would need to have signed a government supplied document - To get a copy of this document for signing click on the icon which will take you to the relevant website.
Once signed tick the Self Bill Checkbox and enter the Date that the agreement was signed, you will then be able to Self Bill for this supplier
Accounts Reference
This is what the supplier is called in your chosen accounts package
Cost Center
This is the Nominal Code for this supplier in your accounts package
Costs & Rates Tab
Default Matrices to calculate Main Cost (Jobs only)
Use these drop down boxes to select up to three Supplier Cost Matrices that will apply to jobs regardless of Vehicle Type when this supplier is selected
% of Sales Price
Instead of adding default matrices, as shown above, you can select to pay the supplier a percentage of the Sales Price, by default this does not include additional prices or surcharges added to the Job, although this can be changed on a Job by Job basis
Waiting time Charge
If this supplier has a bespoke Waiting Time then you can select it here form the drop down box.
Vehicle types and Services applicable to the Supplier / Driver
Use this section to list the Vehicle Types that this supplier is able to drive.
The BLUE button will add ALL vehicles
The GREEN button will add a new line which can then be used, vi the drop down box, to select a single vehicle Type/ Service Type combination
The RED button will delete the currently selected line
You can also choose to add Vehicle type Specific Costs for this supplier if none of the above options have been used
Cost Types
Automatic Costs can be actioned using a Minimum Charge / Mile rate or by utilising Cost Matrices
Cost Matrices is the preferred method as it allows for more choice on how Jobs are priced
Places where automatic costs can be added
Automatic Costs can be added to the following and are based on a combination of Supplier, Vehicle and Service set against the Job
Supplier Rates
Supplier Fixed
A Service Type
Service Rates
A Vehicle Type
Vehicle Rates
Cost Calculation
The order in which costs are calculated:-
Manual Price Locked on the Job