Supplier Invoices

Supplier Invoices

Supplier Self Bill

Generate Invoices on behalf of your supplier for payment. NOTE: This requires government- approved documents to be completed, signed and returned to the relevant department before invoices can be legally created


Suppler Settings

In the supplier screen CONTACTS > SUPPLIERS > SUPPLIER click on the info icon next to the Date Self Billing Signed which will link you to the government page where you can download the required forms.

Once the forms have been signed and returned to the relevant department you can tick the Self Bill checkbox and enter the date that the documents were signed.

From this date, this supplier will be available for Self Billing.




Create Invoices

Navigate to Finance > Supplier Invoices > Supplier Self Bill

  1. Filter for the jobs that need invoicing, this can be filtered by Supplier, Delivery Date amongst other details.

  2. Tick the Process checkbox against the Job(s) that you need to Invoice

  3. In the left hand panel enter the required Invoice Date

  4. Select the action

    1. Preview will print a preview of the invoice without committing it to the system

    2. Commit will commit the invoices to the system





  1. Click on the Create Invoices button in the top right of the screen

A pdf of the Invoice will be generated and moved to your Downloads Folder



Hold Amount

If you wish to withhold a payment amount (e.g. to cover uniform rental, PDA rental, etc) then you can enter the amount to be held in the left hand pane under the Invoice Date.

If you try to create invoices for the Supplier and they do not have enough job costs to cover the amount held then you will get a warning saying as much and will not be able to generate an invoice for that supplier until they either have enough in job costs, or the held amount is removed




Re-Print Invoices

  1. In the lower part of the left hand pane select the Invoice Number or Batch Number that you wish to re-print.

  2. Click the Re-Print Invoices button in the top right of the screen


A pdf of the Invoice will be generated and moved to your Downloads Folder



Supplier Match Invoices

Navigate to Finance > Supplier Invoices > Supplier Match Invoices

  1. Filter the list so that you can see the Jobs that need matching

  2. Enter the Actual Cost, Invoice number, Invoice Line Number and Invoice Date, from the suppliers Invoice, against the relevant Jobs.

  3. If payment information is known then this can be entered now.

  4. Click the Save button in the top right of the screen to save the changes.




Show previously matched Invoices

  1. If you set the filter Only Show Unmatched to False you will be able to see all previously matched invoices.

  2. You will be able to amend the details here (e.g. add the payment date)

  3. Click the Save button in the top right of the screen to save the changes.




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