Live Console

Live Console



Using the Live Console Filter



Date Filters

This filter contains two editable dates where you can set the start and end date of a custom search.

  • Ignore Start Date (Ticked) will hide the start date and show ALL jobs that are on the live console up to the End Date.

  • Ignore Start Date (Ticked) will only show Jobs between the set Start Date and End Date

  • Radio Buttons will set the date range to match the Radio Button Label, This will still obey the Ignore Start Date checkbox

  • - and + will allow you to quickly move between days, This will still obey the Ignore Start Date checkbox




Setting Filters

These Fields will allow you to See ONLY the specified subject, or exclude the specified subject from the Live Console Grid.

  • Depot: allows you to view a specific Depot / All Depots / <Blank> (No assigned Depot)

  • Customer: allows you to view a specific Customer / All Customers or Exclude a Specific Customer

  • Supplier: allows you to view a specific Supplier / <Blank> (No Assigned Supplier) / All Suppliers or Exclude a Specific Supplier

  • Driver: allows you to view a specific Driver / <Blank> (No Assigned Driver) / All Drivers or Exclude a Specific Driver

  • Vehicle Type: allows you to view a specific Vehicle Type/ <Blank> (No Assigned Vehicle Type) / All Vehicle Types or Exclude a Specific Vehicle Type

The Apply Filter and Clear Filter buttons work to Apply or Clear the selected Filters and applies to both the Setting Filters and the Date Filters




Job Detail

When a Line is selected from the Grid, this will show a quick detail summary of the Customer and the Supplier.




  • Colours: Open the modal for selecting the Live Console Status Colours

  • Send Mobile: Sends the selected Job to the allocated Supplier/Driver/PDA Mobile Device

    • NOTE: the driver must SYNC his device to ensure that the Job has been received

  • Pull Mobile: Pulls the selected Job from the Mobile Device that it has previously been sent to

    • NOTE: the driver must SYNC his device to ensure that the Job has been removed

  • Mass Remove: Removes ALL Jobs in the current filtered grid that have a Status of Complete

  • Item Remove: Removes the Selected Job from the Live Console regardless of Status

  • Refresh List: Manually refreshes the Grid to show the latest Job updates



Live Console Status Colours

This Modal allows you to select the colours that you want to use to represent the various Live Console Statuses.

Background: is the background colour of the Status Cell

Text Colour: is the Colour of the Text within the Cell

Note: Administration > Global > Settings > Live Console, allows you to:-

  1. select whether these colours apply to Just the Status Column or to the Entire Job Row

  2. Set the amount of warning time (in minutes) for No Driver

  3. Set Whether Completed Jobs are Automatically Removed (Remove Without Asking) or require Manual Removal using the Item remove Button (Do Not Remove)

  4. Set whether Live Console Statuses are set using Original Time or ETA




Status Hierarchy

  1. Non Active Jobs (NA): This refers to jobs that are in the system but have not yet started based on First Address time


  1. Mobile Declined (DECL): This refers to Jobs that have been sent to the Drivers Mobile, but the Driver has ‘Long Pressed’ and Declined the Job.

    1. Note: this Status will remain on the Job until the next valid status is returned (Arrived/GOB/POD/Complete)


  1. No Driver (ND): This status shows that a job is due to go out and has yet to be allocated to a Supplier / Driver

    1. Note: this Status will remain until a Supplier / Driver is allocated, even if the Job goes to LC / LD


  1. Active Jobs (A): This is a Job where the Driver is Actively on his way between addresses


  1. On Site (Arrival) (OS): This is a Job where the driver has checked in to say he is on site either via Journease Mobile, CX WebHook, or manual entry


  1. Late

    1. Collections (LC): Should a Job not be updated before the allotted Time then it will show as Late

    2. Deliveries(LD): Should a Job not be updated before the allotted Time then it will show as Late


  1. Failed From Mobile (FAIL): If a Job is Failed via Journease Mobile or manual entry

    1. Note: this Status will remain on the Job until the next valid status is returned


  1. Complete (C): The Job has been completed


Job Detail View

Double Clicking on any Job Row in the Live Console Grid will open the Job Detail View

Here we can see the current status of each address line and manually add information about the Job Addresses




Summary and Allocation Fields

The Summary on the Left is the same as is shown on the Main Live Console screen and gives details of the Customer and allocated Supplier

The Fields on the right allow you to allocate Vehicle type / Vehicle Reg / Supplier / Drivers (1&2) / PDA as well as updating the Job/Trip Status (Note: this is the Status on the Job or Trip, not the Live Console)




Job Address Grid

This grid will show the current Live Console Status for each of the Addresses on a Job / Trip as well as Address Details and Job Statuses

The Grid can be arranged on a user by user basis in the normal way (See Adjusting the grid )

The editable fields here will allow you to manually enter Arrival / GOB / POD details against the Job (Note: Journease Mobile and CX Webhooks will automatically update these fields if used)

Further along the grid are fields which will allow you to see Failure Details against an address (Note: Journease Mobile and CX Webhooks will automatically update these fields if used)





  • Fail Address: will open a further Modal which will allow you to manually enter failure details on a selected Address line

    • remember to save the changes before closing the Modal

  • Resend Message: will resend the last message sent to that customer address (Job Confirmation / ARRIVAL / GOB / POD / etc)

  • Send to Mobile: will send the Job to the allocated Supplier / Driver / PDA Mobile Device

    • NOTE: the driver must SYNC his device to ensure that the Job has been received

  • Pull from Mobile: Will pull the Address back from the allocated Supplier / Driver / PDA Mobile Device

    • NOTE: the driver must SYNC his device to ensure that the Job has been removed

  • Save: will save any manual changes that have been made and update the Live Console Status accordingly

  • Close: will close the Job Detail View







Removing and Restoring Jobs/Trips to the Live Console





Jobs can be removed from the Live Console either line by line or in mass by use of the remove buttons.

Item Remove: Removes the Selected Job from the Live Console regardless of Status

Mass Remove: Removes ALL Jobs in the current filtered grid that have a Status of Complete

Note: This does not delete the Job, it just removes it from the Live Console the idea being that the Live Console will just show Live Jobs.





Placing a Job back onto the Live Console is managed from within the Job Screen.

In the Addresses Concertina, click on the Show Settings button and tick the Show On live Console checkbox to put that Job / Address onto the Live Console





Placing a Trip back onto the live Console is managed from within the Trip Screen

In the Trip Planner, double click on the respective Trip Card to open the Trip Details Modal

In the top right tick the Show On Live Console checkbox to put that Trip / Addresses onto the Live Console




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