Trip Planning
Related Pages:-
Filtering can be managed using a combination of four parameters:
Entering a Trip Number
Enter the exact Trip Number in the Trip Number field
Filter by Exact Date
Enter the exact Date in the filter by date field
Filter by Date Range
Enter the starting Date in the filter by date field
Select the number of days you wish to be added from the drop down box
Filter by Depot
The Depot can be selected from the Depot Drop Down
Trip Card
Once you click Create, you will be presented with a Card
This card has a summary of details for the new Trip
Modal Window
This will show all addresses that are waiting to be added to a Trip
Commonly used columns include
Address Type
Weights and Measures
ZoneSets (if used)
You can move the entire modal window around by clicking on the header (highlighted) and dragging
This will allow you to see both the modal and the required Trip Cards
Show on Map Buttons
You can also click Show Selected on Map (after selecting addresses) or Show all on Map
This will then open a Modal Window
Modal Window
This will show PINs for each of the selected addresses that are waiting to be added to a Trip
There are several ways to add an un-tripped Job to a Trip
Un-Tripped to New or Existing Trip
Tick the required check boxes on the left hand side of each row.
You now have two options:
Add to New Trip
This will open up the Modal Window for Trip Creation allowing you to create a new Trip
The selected addresses will automatically be added to the Trip once created
Add to Existing Trip, (you will need the trip number prior to clicking the button).
This will open a small modal window
Enter the trip number
Click Update Trip.
The Selected Addresses will be moved onto the designated Trip
Dragging from Existing Trip Modal to Trip Card
Click on the pencil Icon on an existing trip
This will open a Small Trip Modal
Job Addresses can be moved to another Trip in the same way as from the Un-Tripped Modal
From Map to Trip
Click on the Map Icon to open a map showing addresses currently on the Trip
Right Click on the map to drop green PINs
Click Set Group
All addresses within the selected area will be added to the Group
Click Clear Group if you need to start again
Click the Add to Trip
This will open another Modal Window listing available Trips
Select the trip that you wish to move the selected group to.
Alternatively Create a New Trip
Addresses in the selected Group will be added automatically when the Trip is created