

Also see Create A Trip Guide

First lets answer a simple question.

Q. What is the difference between a Job and a Trip

A. A Job is a request to transport x amount of products from Address A to Address B, this could be a anything from a single package delivered to a single address, up to a large order that wont fit on a single vehicle journey delivered to multiple addresses. A Trip is a single vehicle journey to action part of a Job (N.B. Trips can hold parts of multiple Jobs).

below is a quick guide to the window before we show examples of creating a Trip manually and creating a Trip using auto-allocate
NewClick this to create a new Trip
Save TripClick to save current Trip (this will only activate when changes have been made )
ClearClick to clear the current Trip Screen without saving
Delete TripThis can only be actioned on Trips that have not had costs matched to invoices, a warning message will show telling you to type DELETE to permanently delete the trip, this is to confirm that you wish to proceed with the deletion. N.B. When a Trip is deleted the allocated Trip Number will cease to exist and creating a new trip will use the next available number
Calc RouteClick this during Trip creation to calculate the route depending on your settings in the Trip Details section
View MapClick this to show a map of the current route
Plan SMSClick this to send an SMS to the customers offering delivery times, once they receive the SMS and acknowledge the time then this will update the status for that Job.
Ass. DriverClick this to update the Web Tracking with driver information
Del SMSClick this to send an SMS to the customer detailing that their products have been Confirmed and loaded onto a vehicle for delivery
ReportsClick this to run a report selected from the drop-down box (e.g hard copy of trip list for driver, pick list for loading etc)
Prn LabelsClick this to print Address labels for the current Trip
Job ScreenChanges to the Job Window
Live ConsoleOpens the Live Console WIndow
Exit ScreenCloses the Trip screen, if you have pending changes a warning message will show to remind you that you need to save before closing

Trip Details Section

Trip NumberThis will be generated when you click New, clicking on the magnifying glass will open the Browser (Action Screens > Browser > Trips) to allow you to search for and open a current Trip for amending
Vehicle TypeA drop-down box to select the vehicle type that will perform this Trip
VehicleIf known use this drop-down box to assign a specific vehicle to this Trip
Special InstructionsUse this textbox to add any extra instructions for this Trip
DepotUse this drop-down box to select the Depot that this Trip will be run from (only used if you have multiple Depots set up), this will update the Start Address and Destination to match the address of the Depot
SupplierUse this drop-down box to assign a supplier to this Trip (Journease Mobile Users will be able to send this trip, once complete, to the assigned supplier/driver by clicking on the phone picture, the arrow icon next to the phone will show the history of messages sent to the selected mobile, if your driver complains that he hasn't received a Job/Trip detail then you can use this to check when and if it was sent)
Driver #1 / #2Assign drivers to this Trip
Trip DateEnter the date that this trip will commence, clicking on the calendar icon will allow you to select and click a date from the calendar
Trip Status

Use the drop-down box to select the current status of this trip these can be set up by going to Lookup > Statuses and setting Statuses against Trips

Stop HoursUse this to set planned stop hours for this Trip
Zone SetUsed when Auto-allocating Jobs to define the Trip Zone Set to be used
Route Calculation methodSelect from Vehicle defaults = use the settings defined against this vehicle, Quickest = the fastest route for this trip according to road type, vehicle type and traffic, Shortest = the shortest distance regardless of road, vehicle and traffic
  1. Completed Trip = tick if this trip has been completed (this will automatically tick if the trip has been completed using the live console)
  2. Live Console = Tick this to allow the Trip to be viewed on the Live Console
  3. Optimize Stops = tick this if you want the calc route function to sort the addresses into the most optimal order (needs at least 4 unique addresses)
  4. Calcuate Times = Tick to calculate arrival and delivery times when the trip goes live
  5. Map Descriptions = Tick to enable detailed map descriptions when viewing the map

Load Summary

This section is used to calculate the load, when a Vehicle Type is selected Journease will know the Load Metres, Volume and Weight restrictions (provided the information has been correctly inserted in the Vehicles & Services/Vehicle Types window) these are shown under Available on the right hand side.

As Jobs are added to this Trip it will add the values of the PIDs to the Loaded boxes (provided the product information has been correctly added on the Jobs & Quotations screen or in the Lookup /Products window). This will also change the Remaining boxes to show unused space.

When Calc Route is clicked the Total Miles box will update to show the mileage for the Trip. No of Cols / Dels shows how many collection and delivery points this Trip has and Journey Time will show the approximate time for the whole Trip.

Total Job Price, Trip Cost and Gross Profit Margin will update when you click Calc Route.

Main Window

Costs TabUse this to input additional costs for this Trip
Refresh List / Clear Filter / Apply Filter

Use these to filter the results in the Available Job Addresses list. N.B. if a Job has been created with multiple addresses then the Trip screen will show each address on a single line, each with the same Job Number

Plot Addr's / View Map / Del Addr'sUse these to plot the position of available jobs and view them on the map, you can then use this information to decide which addresses can be used with this Trip
Auto AlocateUsed to auto-allocate Jobs when using a Trip Zone Set
Mapping SolutionFormerly you could choose whether Bing or Mappoint was used to calculate the routes, however Mappoint has now been discontinued
Red Double-arrow buttonClick and drag this to enlarge either the Available Job Addresses list or the Job Addresses on Trip list
Add / Remove

Add will move the address selected in the Available Job Addresses list to the Job Addresses on Trip.

Remove will move the address selected in the Job Addresses on Trip list to the Available Job Addresses.

Grab Addr'sWhen an area is drawn on the map clicking this will add all addresses that fall within that area
Start Address / DestinationThis is where the Trip will start and finish (usually the Depot address), the Time textbox can be used to set the earliest start time and latest finish time for the Trip
Reverse / Move Up / Move DownUse these to organise the Addresses in the Job Addresses on Trip list
Create A Trip Guide  Use this link to see examples of Manual Trip creation and Autoallocate

Update Version 6.6.894 (02/08/2020) Trip Job Consolidation See here for 'how to' page

Update Version 6.6.975 (12/10/2021) Ad-Hoc SMS messages to Trip Customers See here for 'how to' page

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