Trip Zone Sets

Trip Zone Sets

fig 1

fig 3

fig 2

For Trips the Zone system works differently in that the Zone Code is a Priority Order as opposed to a Zone Name. In the above example we can see that both the Southwest Zone Set and the Swindon Zone Set contain the Bristol BS Postcode area i.e. the zones overlap. In the Southwest Zone Set it has a Zone Code (Priority) of 1, in the Swindon Zone Set the Zone Code (Priority) is 2. This means that when auto-allocating a Job to the Bristol area it will first check to see if there is a Trip with room available going to the Southwest Zone Set, if not then it will check to see if there is a Trip going to the Swindon Zone Set.

Allocating Trips to Zone Sets is done using the entry form shown in fig 3, this will show on the right hand side of the Zone Set screen when Trip Routing Zone Set is ticked.

  1. Select a Depot that this Zone Set applies to
  2. Select the Postcode That the Trip will be starting out from
  3. The Start Time for the Trip will default to that which you have set in the Default Settings / Screen Defaults window, but can be changed to suit this individual Zone Set.
  4. Trip Status should be set to IN PLANNING, this will be changed later in the Trip screen when either the vehicle is full or when the Trip is ready for departure.
  5. Select a Vehicle Type that will be running this Trip, this will allow the load space and weight to be detected allowing Journease to monitor how much free space is available on this Trip when auto-allocating.
  6. Select the maximum number of Trips that are going to this Zone Set
  7. Select how many weeks in advance that this Trip can be seen when auto-allocating Jobs
  8. Select which Days this Trip will run (tick all that apply)
  9. The Specific Dates box allows you to exclude or include dates for this Trip to be available, for example if you have it running every Tuesday but you know that on Tuesday 30th a vehicle is not available then you can add an exception for Tuesdays 30th which will disable this Trip from being used on that date but is still available for all other Tuesdays.
  10. Click Save to update the information.

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