Additional Prices and Costs

Additional Prices and Costs

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 1 & 2

This is where we can set up our Additional Prices and Costs that may be applied to Jobs Calculation.

Clicking on New will add a blank line to the bottom of the table where you can add information, double clicking on a currently filled cell will allow you to edit the data.

Additional Cost/Charge Name = This is a recognisable name given to this additional charge (e.g. Severn Bridge Toll, Customer Discount, etc.)

Active = As with previous windows ticking this box will set the row to active which will allow it to be used when creating Jobs

Cost/Cost%/ Charge/Charge%

  • Cost/Cost% = You should only have a value in one of these fields (either a fixed cost or a percentage of the over-all cost), percentage values could be added for example if the Supplier is charging you for returning empty
  • Charge/Charge% = You should only have a value in one of these fields (either a fixed charge or a percentage of the over-all price), percentage values could be added for example if you are charging the customer for returning empty
  • With the above you can have values in both Cost and Charge, this would be a way of passing your additional costs on to the Customer (e.g. this toll is costing me £30 put £30 in Cost, Im going to charge the Customer £40 if this cost is incurred put £40 in Charge, or The Supplier is adding a cost to me for returning empty so I will add that charge to the customer)

VAT Code = The code that relates to the VAT rates set in Lookup/Finance/VAT Rates to show which VAT rate should be used when calculating this cost/charge

Wait Time Free Minutes = The amount of time a Vehicle is allowed to wait at an address without adding a cost/charge e.g. if a Vehicle/Driver is waiting for 1 Hour and this is set to 15 minutes then the cost incurred will only apply to 45 min waiting time.

Wait Charge/Cost per 15 Mins = This is how much you Charge the customer or the Cost that the supplier adds to you for every 15 minutes that a vehicle/driver is waiting.

Trunking Charge (Journease Warehouse only) = If this additional cost is applied only to trunking

Supplier Deduction = If the supplier is set up for Self Billing, then you may want to create a payment from the supplier e.g. use of mobile device, or Insurance payments. You would set these up as an additional price and tick this box so that it will be available when creating a self billed invoice.

Pickup Charge = Tick if this charge should only apply to Pickup Addresses when creating a Job

Vehicle Cost = Tick if this is an additional price/cost for using a specific vehicle

Price/Cost Matrix  = Drop-down box to add a matrix charge (as set up in Lookup/Finance/Matrices)

Fig 3

Additional Prices and Costs are added when a Job is created and can be updated as the Job progresses (for objects like waiting time, Toll charges that may not be known until the Job is in progress).

To add Additional Prices and Costs to a Job, open the Action Screens/Jobs and Quotation Window and either create a new Job or select a Job that is currently active using the Job Number search.

Open the Finance tab on the right-hand side of the window.

At the bottom of this window tab is the Additional Costs & Charges section,

  1. Click the green Add Row button to add a new cost/charge
  2. Job Number will be added automatically when the Job has been created
  3. The drop-down box for Supplier Name and Vehicle should match the Supplier and Vehicle entered on the main Job page
  4. The drop-down box for Description will allow you to select the additional cost/charge that you have set up and will automatically populate the remaining columns once you click out of the cell.
  5. You can change the Price and estimated cost if it differs from the set values and the Lock Price / Lock Cost tick boxes will fix the entered values regardless of the actual cost, this is useful if you agree a price with a customer but you want to show all prices for your own records.
  6. Click the Re-calc button in the Job Costs section to recalculate the prices for this Job

Fig 4

Fig 5

Version 6.6.556 brought in two new columns to this window, Job Question and Question Sort Order (Fig 4)

  1. Job Question = Add a Question that you wish to be asked when creating a Job, an answer of YES will add this additional charge with default values to the Job.
  2. Question Sort Order = If you have set up more then one additional charge to use the new question ability then you can sort the order that they appear on the Jobs & Quotations screen, a 0 will be at the top of the list with progressive numbers 1, 2, 3, etc showing below

When creating a Job the new Questions box can be found under the Further Info. Tab of the Jobs & Quotations window (fig 5)

Update Version 6.6.699

Fig 6

Fig 7

Fig 8

With this update there came the ability to automatically add a congestion charge additional price to any Job where an address fell within the London Congestion area.

  • Things to configure in order to make this work is...
    • Add or amend an existing Additional Charge (Lookup > Additional Prices and Costs) [Fig 6 Red]- tick the Is Congestion Charge tick box against all lines that would add an Additional Charge/Cost for the London congestion charge. [Fig 6 Yellow]
    • Against the Vehicle Type (Vehicle add the correct Additional Charge/Cost (which you just created). [Fig 7 Red]
  • If you want to omit a customer from having the congestion applied to their jobs you can do so by un-ticking the Apply Congestion Charge box on the Customer Maintenance screen - Lookup > Customers > Customer Details > Ext. Properties (tab).
  • A cost for any given Supplier will only get added to one job that has the auto Congestion Charge line added, for any given day.  All subsequent Jobs that use the same supplier will have a cost of 0 with the Lock Cost box ticked.
  • You can maintain the list of postcode areas and districts that are subject to the London Congestion Zone using Lookup > Finance > Zone Sets. [Fig 8 Red Blue Green] You HAVE to maintain the Zone Set that is named LONDON CONGESTION (This name is fixed and cannot be changed).  Simply make sure that the Zone Code is set to IN for the relevant postcode areas/districts.  IMPORTANT NOTE: Whilst we have made every attempt to add accurate postcode areas and districts to the Zone Set it is very likely that there are a few that are missing especially in the areas where some postcodes are in the London congestion charge zone and some are out.  We can take no responsibility for the accuracy of this data.  Please feed back any postcode areas that are not present or incorrect so we can modify them in a subsequent updates.
  • Journease will not add the Congestion Charge if the route that is calculated merely goes through the congestion charge zone, at least one of the stops in a route HAS to be within the LONDON CONGESTION Zone Set.
  • If you've ever had a customisation to your version of Journease to calculate pricing / costs, this feature will NOT work outside of Journease i.e. via the API or Delivery Booker.  If you notice this please contact us so we can rectify this matter.

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