Vehicle Types & Services

Vehicle Types & Services

Setting up Vehicle type (Preferred Method)

Note: This section refers to Vehicle Types NOT individual Vehicles.


This shows a list of the current Vehicle Types and Services that your Suppliers / Drivers offer. Clicking on the “new” button will create a blank entry at the bottom of this list.

Input a Name for the new service in the first column, the "Active" tickbox means that this service is available for use when creating Jobs. The next column allows you to enter a default service type using a drop-down list of Service Types that have been preconfigured in the Service Types window, if there is no default service type this can be left blank, this constitutes the minimum required details for a new Vehicle Type/Service and can now be saved. Once saved the list will be updated and you will be able to find your new Vehicle Type alphabetically in the list.

You can now manage the new Vehicle Type / service by populating the relevant columns:-

Overnight Service This service will be made available when creating a Job for overnight transport
Pallet Service This service / Vehicle Type can take pallets

Minimum Price/Mile Rate 1/2

Sets the basic prices for this Vehicle Type / Service; min price is the minimum that will be given for this vehicle, Mile Rate 1 is the price per mile, mile rate 2 is a second mileage rate that can be used by changing the price manually, it has more recently been superceded by the use of Matices.

Delivery Stop Time Time that this vehicle can be stopped at an address before additional charges are incurred.

Price/Cost Matrix 1/2/3

Set this Vehicle Type / Service to run on pre-configured matrices as set in the matrices windows Lookup/Finance/Matrices.

Courier Exchange / Vehotrans Equivalent

If you use Courier Exchange or Vehotrans then you can select an equivalent Service type that they would match up, e.g. 18 Ton Articulated would have a courier exchange equivalent of AT_18T these are selected from a drop-down box that has been preconfigured by Journease staff.

Don’t show LC Don’t show Late Collection status on this service, e.g. overnight service that cannot specify an exact time for collection/delivery due to working hours

Non Invoiceable

Tick this if invoices cannot be raised against this vehicle type e.g. if this service is used with a self billing supplier.

Speed reduction

Use this to add any speed restrictions associated with this vehicle type, this is a percentage drop from the standard settings for the road being travelled, e.g. the standard speed would be 70mph on motorways, i.e a vehicle would take an hour to travel 70 miles, if this vehicle type is restricted to 60mph then you would need 1.16 hours to travel 70miles. we would need to add a reduction of 16%. NOTE this would also add 16% reduction to slower road times as well.

Motorway / Toll preference

Select from a drop-down box to enforce preferences from Use/Avoid/Minimise usage when calculating route.

Preferred Routing Method

Similar to the above but allows you to select preferences based on Quickest time/Quickest with traffic/shortest distance.

Day / Overnight Rate

Add a daily rate and overnight rate for this Vehicle Type / Service. These rates can be selected, when creating a Job, by changing the Use Rate drop-down box in the Financial tab on the Job creation screen.

Show for web booking / web booking description

Allows this Vehicle Type to be chosen when making web bookings and what will be displayed on the web booking page for this Vehicle Type.

Max sizes and volumes

These six columns allow you to specify maximum size, shape and weight that this vehicle type can manage.

Are Images Required

Tick this if images of the product to be transported are required before booking.

Congestion Charge

Here add the cost of any congestion charge that will be added to this Vehicle Type should it be required to enter a relevant zone. If this is set to £0 then it can be added per job using zoning Lookup/Finance/Zone sets.

Image file name

The location and filename of stored images of this Vehicle Type.

Cost Centre

The accounts department that will handle the costs/invoicing of this Vehicle Type.

Collection cut-off time / Delivery Deadline

The latest time that a collection/delivery can be made with this Vehicle Type.

Delivery Days

The days that this Vehicle Type / service is available.

Break MinutesHow many minutes break is required by the driver when driving this vehicle 
Driving hours B4 BreakHow often this break needs to be taken during the driving day - e.g. a 30 min break every 4 hours (put 30 in Break Minutes and 4.00 in B4 break)

Once the relevant entries have been populated then remember to save the list by clicking the SAVE button. This button will only be active if there are changes pending.

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