Vehicle Checks (via Mobile App)

Vehicle Checks (via Mobile App)

This is the management window for Journease mobile app, Vehicle check and Vehicle defects are managed from here NOT in the Vehicle Checks / Vehicle Defects window.

  1. Enter the date range for checks that you wish to view.
  2. If you just wish to view a certain vehicle then you can input the vehicle registration from the Drop-down box (populated by vehicles stored in Vehicles & services/Vehicles). 
  3. If you just want to see only vehicles that have been checked by a certain driver then you can use the Drop-down box (populated by those stored in the Lookup/Suppliers & Driver Details Window).
  4. Click on the Apply Filter button to update the screen.

The Old Checks and Old Defect buttons will open the respective manual entry windows for Vehicle Checks and Vehicle Defects.

The Reports button will allow you to print a report based on the vehicle selected in the list in the left-hand section of this window, the reports available are Vehicle Check Sheet (which will show the vehicle check sheet as recorded by the checker), Vehicle Defects (which shows a list of defects on this vehicle), and Vehicle Rectifications (Which gives a report on the defects that have been rectified for the given vehicle).

On the right-hand side of the screen there are two tick boxes. Show Defects Only when unticked will show the full vehicle check for the selected vehicle.  When ticked it will only show checks that have had defects reported on the selected vehicle both rectified and not rectified. Hide Rectified Defects tick box will filter out rectified defects (this is only active if the above tick box is ticked).

N.B. There is no ability to place a vehicle on Hold from this window, if you do require a vehicle to be put on hold due to a defect then you would need to click on Old Checks and manually put the details of the check in which will then place the Vehicle Check into the Vehicle Defectswindow.