

fig 1

fig 2

This is where we set up the various Depots that your company uses. Even if you only have one Depot you should put this information in here.

N.B. There can only be one default Depot, this is usually the main Depot and will be the one that is shown automatically when creating a Job.

Fig 1

To enter a new Depot, click on the New Depot button, this will add an empty line at the bottom of the table for you to enter the details of the new Depot.

Postcode = This is the Postcode of the Depot and is used to Validate the address

Address Description = This is a brief description of where the Depot is and what it is used for

Address Type =

  • Delivery Will show up as a Delivery Depot
  • Collection Will show up as a Collection Depot
  • No Show These Depots can be used in Job creation but will not show on any correspondence with the customer. These can be used when calculating a Job including mileage from Depot to first collection and from last delivery back to depot (see Jobs and Quotations).

Depot code = This is how the Depot will be referred to in Journease

Default Depot = This is the Depot that will be used by default when calculating Jobs and Trips (N.B. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE DEFAULT DEPOT)

Map Point Validation = This will be ticked if the Postcode has been validated on Bing Maps – If this is unticked then the Postcode should be checked to ensure that it has been entered correctly.

Fig 2

Longitude / Latitude = this is the correct Long/Lat calculated when a map point is verified (this is entered automatically when verification takes place)

Company Name = The Company Name of the Depot Owner

Contact Name = The main contact for this Depot

Contact Tel. No. = The Phone number to contact this Depot

Display Town = The Town where this Depot is located

Stock Search Order = Used for auto-allocating stock when using multiple Depots

Active = This should be ticked if this Depot is in use (the Tick box at the top of this window will allow you to hide/show inactive Depots, Inactive depots will not be available when creating Jobs and Trips)

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