Create A Trip

Create A Trip

fig 1

fig 2

Creating a Trip and allocating Job Addresses

In order to create Trips the job addresses that need to be tripped will need to be set as Trippable.

This can be done on the individual Job Address by ticking the Trippable tickbox, or set to true by default (Default settings > Screen Defaults > Trip' C (collection addresses) and/or Trip' D (delivery Addresses)).

You will also require your system to be set up to work with Statuses, both Trip Statuses and Job Statuses (If you need assistance in setting these up please call Support on 0117 958 6180).

There are four methods for placing Jobs onto trips:- 

1) Manual - Individual Job Selection

2) Manual 

- Map Selection

3) Semi Automatic

- Auto Allocate Button

4) Fully Automatic 

- Automatically add when saved

1) Manual - Individual Job Selection

In this example we are going to create a Trip using the manual method for multiple customers addresses. In the above picture we have created three Jobs for this example (17419, 17420 and 17421).

These appear in the Available Job Addresses (Left hand pane) list ready for allocation (fig 1).

  1. Click on New to create a new Trip
  2. Change the Vehicle Type to the one that is going to be used for this Trip
  3. Enter the Trip Date
  4. Change the Trip Status to In Planning (Statuses should have been set prior to creating a trip, for information on how this is done look HERE)
  5. Click Save - this will create a Trip Number in the top left of the Trip Details section
  6. If you have multiple Depots set up in Journease then select the Depot that this Trip is being created for, and the Start Address and Destination will be set automatically to this Depot address. However if the Start/Destination address differs from the Depot address, you can change these in the appropriate text input fields
  7. Select a Supplier / Driver that is carrying out this Trip
  8. You now need to click Save to create/update the Trip before you can allocate Job Addresses to it
  9. Select the first Address that you wish to add from the Available Job Addresses list and click on the Add button (green plus). The Job details will move over to the Job Addresses on Trip window and the Loaded Summery will update with loaded information
  10. If there is still room available on the vehicle you can add another Address, and another, and another until the Vehicle is full

2) Manual - Map Selection

In this example we are going to create a Trip using the manual method for multiple customers addresses. In the above picture we have created three Jobs for this example (17419, 17420 and 17421).

These appear in the Available Job Addresses list ready for allocation (fig 1).

  1. Click on New to create a new Trip
  2. Change the Vehicle Type to the one that is going to be used for this Trip
  3. Enter the Trip Date
  4. Change the Trip Status to In Planning (Statuses should have been set prior to creating a trip, for information on how this is done look HERE)
  5. Click Save - this will create a Trip Number in the top left of the Trip Details section
  6. If you have multiple Depots set up in Journease then select the Depot that this Trip is being created for, the Start Address and Destination will be set automatically to this Depot address. However if the Start/Destination address differs from the Depot address, you can change these in the appropriate text input fields
  7. Select a Supplier / Driver that is carrying out this Trip
  8. You now need to click Save to create/update the Trip before you can allocate Job Addresses to it
  9. Below the list of available jobs click on the Plot Addresses button
  10. Once addresses have been plotted the adjacent View Map button will become available, click on this to view the available addresses as pins on the map
  11. Double click on the map to gain focus then select the "Laser" button (second from right at top of map)
  12. Using the right mouse button draw a box around the area that this trip is going to then click the "Laser" button again. This will create a coloured box around that area
  13. Click on Trip Screen to return, then click Grab Addr's. The Job Addresses that fall within the coloured box will move over to the Job Addresses on Trip window and the Loaded Summery will update with loaded information.
  14. If there is still room available on the vehicle you can add another Address, and another, and another, until the Vehicle is full
  15. NOTE:- This method will not take into account available room. Should the vehicle be overloaded, manual adjustment will be required after to decide which job addresses to keep on the Trip

Semi Automatic - Auto Allocate Button = This method will require some additional customisations to be added to your Journease - speak to Journease Support if you require this feature


For this we will first need to set up some Trip Zone Sets. You will also require volume/weight measurements for the vehicles that you intend to use, and volume/weight details for the items that you are transporting on each Job Address.

  1. Once the customisations are in place to allow this and you have your Trip Zone Sets set up correctly, simply go to the Trip Screen
  2. Before you select or create a new Trip, click on the Auto Allocate button (this will only be available if no trip is displayed). This will check all available addresses and compare them to the Trip Zone Sets
  3. If the system finds a Trip that is already created that is going to the required postcode area and has room available, it will add the Job Address to that trip
  4. If there are no current trips available going to the required postcode area, the system will look for a Trip Zone Set going to that particular postcode area and will automatically create the Trip and add the address (and other addresses for that area)
  5. Once the addresses have been allocated to a Trip, the allocated Job Addresses will disappear from the left hand pane
  6. To view the Trip or Trips that have been modified / created, click on the 'magnifying glass' next to Trip No. and select from the Browser list (this can be filtered by Address if you are looking for a particular address or creation date to find new Trips that have been created today, etc)

Auto-Allocate progression

When you click on auto-allocate on the Trip Screen Journease will allocate a Job to a Trip in the following order (N.B. this is done in the background so you will not actually see the lists in real time):-

  1. List all Trips going to the required postcode area
  2. Remove Trips that have insufficient room for this Job Address
  3. Order the list of remaining Trips into priority order for the required postcode area
  4. Allocate the Job to the first Trip in the list

Remember at this stage the Trip is still In Planning.

Fully Automatic - Automatically add when saved = This method will require some additional customisations to be added to your Journease, speak to Journease Support if you require this feature


For this we will first need to set up some Trip Zone Sets. You will also require volume/weight measurements for the vehicles that you intend to use and volume/weight details for the items that you are transporting on each Job Address.

  1. Once the customisations are in place to allow this and you have your Trip Zone Sets set up correctly we need to tick the box marked Auto Allocate Jobs to Trips in the Customer Details screen for each customer that we wish to apply this ability
  2. It would also be advisable to have the Trippable tickbox set to true by default (Default settings > Screen Defaults > Trip' C (collection addresses) and/or Trip' D (delivery Addresses)) to save having to change each address individually
  3. Now that we have the criteria set up, whenever you save a Job for the customer in question it will automatically be added to the next available Trip
  4. If there are no current trips available going to the required postcode area it will look for a Trip Zone Set going to that particular postcode area and will automatically create the Trip and add the address (and other addresses for that area).
  5. Once the addresses have been allocated to a Trip  the allocated Job Addresses will disappear from the left hand pane
  6. To view the Trip or Trips that have been modified / created click on the 'magnifying glass' next to Trip No. and select from the Browser list (this can be filtered by Address if you are looking for a particular address or creation date to find new Trips that have been created today, etc)

Auto-Allocate progression

When the Jobs are saved, Journease will allocate a Job to a Trip in the following order (N.B. this is done in the background so you will not actually see the lists in real time):-

  1. List all Trips going to the required postcode area
  2. Remove Trips that have insufficient room for this Job Address
  3. Order the list of remaining Trips in to priority order for the required postcode area
  4. Allocate the Job to the first Trip in the list

Remember at this stage the Trip is still In Planning

Note:- If you require this to work for jobs that are imported via csv (in Journease) or Import Facility (in Delivery Booker), then there is one further customisation that will need to be put in place by Journease Staff to ensure that imported jobs are automatically set to Trippable.

Trips In_Planning to Finalised (Organising your Trip) -

In order to send Emails via the Plan SMS and Del SMS buttons you may need an additional customisation, speak to Journease Support if this is required

This is the suggested progression for Tripping. Any of the below steps can be skipped if they do not apply to your company's method of working - note any reference to STATUSES are suggestions, your company may have named their statuses differently, check Lookup>Statuses. 

Now that we have a Trip that is In_Planning we need to organise the Trip. Contact the End Users (the people you are delivering to) and get the Trip to the point where we can Finalise it and get it out on the road.

  1. If you've not done so already, select the Vehicle and driver for the trip
  2. All Jobs with Job Addresses on this Trip should have a Job Status of Booked. This can be checked by selecting a Job Address on the trip and pressing F2, which will bring up the Job Details for this Job Address
  3. Next tick the box for Optimise Stops, then click on Calc Route - this will put the addresses into the most optimal order for Delivery/Collection and update the times for each Job Address
  4. Next we can add Breaks for the drivers (if required) by selecting the Job Address that will be After the break, selecting the length of the break (in HH:MM using the Input Field for Break situated below the right hand pane), and clicking on Insert Break (Heart icon)
  5. Now Click on Calc Route again to incorporate the break into the delivery times. NOTE:- If you have a break added to the list and you wish to Calc Route DO NOT have Optimise Stops ticked as this will place ALL the breaks at the start of the Trip. Always Optimise stops before adding breaks
  6. Now that we have calculated the delivery times we can click on the PLAN SMS button to send an email to the End Users - to say that their delivery has provisionally been booked for "this Date / Time", and asking them to reply to confirm
  7. As the End Users reply to confirm availability on that day we can change their Job Status to Confirmed (use F2 and change the Job Status, then click the green tick to save)
  8. Or, if they are not available, we can remove them from the list (using the - icon to put them back into the left hand pane), so that the jobs can be re-tripped at a later date
  9. Once all the addresses have confirmed we can click on the DEL SMS button to send a final confirmation to the end user with a more accurate date / time for the delivery
  10. Finally, change the Trip Status to Finalised This will prevent further changes to the addresses on this Trip
  11. We can now tick the Live Console Tickbox (if not already done) to show the Trip on the live console ready for action

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