

The browser in Journease is a very powerful tool and should be the first point of contact when you wish to search for anything in your database.

  1. In the Views section, select a radio button associated with the type of search that you wish to undertake
  2. In the Criteria Selection (Filter) section see if there are any Pre-Defined Criteria that will make your search easier. To add Pre-Defined Criteria, click on the New button next to the drop-down box, enter a name for the Pre-Defined Criteria, then fill out the search as shown in the below example and click the save icon.
  3. If you know the primary field item that you are looking for (i.e. Job number when searching for jobs, Invoice number when searching for invoices etc.) then type this into the Quick Find text box and it will highlight the item you are looking for.
  4. If you don’t know the primary field that you are looking for or you wish to undertake a more detailed search then enter criteria in the various fields in the Criteria Section, this is done by selecting relevant search functions from the drop-down boxes.

  5. Click on the green Apply Criteria button to run the search.

fig 1.1

fig 1.2


I know that we have a customer called Zebra, I wish to list all jobs with “Zebra” as the customer name.

  1. On the right I select Jobs_No Addresses radio button
  2. In the first Field drop-down box, I select Customer
  3. In the Operator drop-down box, I select Like
  4. In the Criteria text box, I type Zebra

So now my Browser looks like fig 1.1.

I then click the Apply Criteria tick to run the search which will bring up the result in the lower part of the screen (fig 1.2).

The Field drop-down box will only show options relevant to the choice of radio button selected. The Operator drop-down box allows you to use simple search parameters.



Example / Use


Is Equal To

Used if search criteria is known exactly (e.g. Company = Zebra will show all companies called Zebra)

Is Less Than

Used to find items below the given value (e.g. Job Number < 17500 will show all job numbers from 0 to 17499)


Is Less Than or Equal To

As above but will include job 17500

Is Greater Than

Used to find items above the given value (e.g. Job Number > 17500 will show all job numbers from 17501 upward)


Is Greater Than or Equal To

As above but will include job 17500


Is Similar To

Same as Equal To except whole word is not required (e.g. Company - Like - Ze will still show results for Zebra and all other companies that start with Ze)


Contains the Text Characters

Contains the text in the text box (e.g. Company - Contains - ebr will show results for Zebra as well as any other companies with ebr in their name.

In List

Has a value equal to that in the given list

This will only return items that match one of the list items exactly, the list items should be in a comma separated list

(e.g. No. of pieces - In List - 1,2,3,10 will only return results where the number of items is 1 or 2 or 3 or 10 but not 4-9. 


Is Between these two Dates

(this will change the text box to two date lookup boxes)

Used for searching for a specific date set, if it is a single date you are looking for then input the same date in each date box.

Once you have completed your search, double clicking on the required item in the list will open the relevant page (Invoice page for invoices, Job Screen for Jobs, etc.)

At any time, you can clear all the results and search criteria by clicking on the Clear Criteria Eraser.

You can do a more detailed search by adding criteria using the remaining drop-down boxes (e.g. Customer | Like | Zebra AND Depot | Like | Main will bring up all customers called Zebra who belong to the depot called main).

The AND drop-down box can be changed to OR (e.g. Customer | Like | Zebra OR Job Number | < |1000 will bring up all customers called Zebra and all jobs with Job numbers less than 1000)

Simple searches can also be done from within the specific window. For instance, if you are looking for a specific Supplier/Driver then you can open the Lookup>Supplier/Driver window and type the name in the search box. This will do a Like search only.

For details on exporting reports click here  

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