POD Recorder

POD Recorder

The POD Recorder is where all PODs recorded on Jobs and Trips, either manually or from the mobile app, can be viewed and managed. In the above example we can see that for trip number 300872 we have recorded two PODs, the information shown for each address mimics the information you would see in the Job / Trip Details section of the live console.

POD time, Text, Hard Copy and comments can be changed in this window and saved to update the information.

In the event that a POD has been placed against the wrong Job or Trip then clicking on the Move POD button will allow you to change it to the correct one, a popup will ask you to enter the Incorrect job Number first, than a second popup will ask you for the Correct job Number, the POD will then be transferred to the correct one.

In the event that a POD is completely incorrect it can be removed by clicking on the Rem'v POD button, a popup will ask if you are sure that you wish to proceed and warn you that once done you cannot reverse the process, click Yes to proceed.

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