Trip Planner Add-On

Trip Planner Add-On

The Trip Planner is an addon for those using Trips who wish to see an easy to read “Whiteboard” of their booked Trips.

NOTE:- This works best for those using Trip Zone Sets to create and schedule their trips

Fig.1 shows a view of current Trips with the individual days listed top to bottom and Trips on these days shown left to right.

Along the top we can see controls for selecting the Depot and Date range, Refreshing the screen, Showing Un-Tripped Addresses and setting Zone Set Colours.


The Grid

The Grid shows is arranged as follows:-

  1. Trip Dates from top to bottom on the far left double column

  2. Trips for individual days are shown in blocks from left to right after the Trip Date Double Column

See below for a detailed view of each of these sections




The Trip Date Double Column

Left Hand Column

Right Hand Column

Left Hand Column

Right Hand Column

Total revenue for Trips on this day

Trip Day

Total no. of trips on this day


Total Job Addresses on these Trips

Trip Date






The Trip Block

Left Hand Column

Right Hand Column

Left Hand Column

Right Hand Column

Trip Number

Trip Zone Set Name

Trip Start Time - End Time


No, of Collections and Deliveries

Total Cubic (M3) on Trip

Revenue for this Trip

Total Load Meters (M2) on Trip

Vehicle Registration

Total Weight (Kg) on Trip

The overall colour of the Block is determined by the Zone Set (See below - Zone Set Colours)

The lower right “capacity” section will show in RED if any of the loaded capacities exceeds the available capacity of the chosen vehicle type






Zone Set Colours

By clicking on the ZS Colours button will open up a new window which will show all of your available Zone Sets

Clicking on the Background (Block Colour) or the Foreground (text Colour) will open a colour picker bo where you can select the colour that you require for this Zone Set




Drill Down Level 1

Select a Trip and press F2 to drill down into the Trip:-

This will show all the addresses currently on the selected Trip

With the Multi Select tick box ticked you can select addresses from the list, the capacity summary will populate as you select addresses from the list

Clicking on the PIN ICON will show address pins on the map where you can use the Laser button and right mouse button to group selected pins, returning to this screen and clicking on Grab Addresses will select those addresses within that group

On the right hand side of the screen you can select to move the selected addresses to another Trip, or Create a new Trip using the selected addresses




Drill Down Level 2

Selecting an address from the Drill Down Level 1 list and pressing F2 will drill down to the second level, this will display the same window that you would get by pressing F2 on an address on the normal trip Screen and will allow you to make adjustments to the job Address e.g. Status, Contact Details etc.






An additional Tab is available called Available Trips

The left hand side will show you other Trips that are available to put this address on, If using Zone Sets then only Trips going to a Zone Set containing the job Address will be shown.

For companies that are using Trip Zone Sets that auto create trips, any future available Trip Dates will be shown on the Right under Available Dates




Untripped Button

Clicking on the Untripped! button will show a window similar to the Trip Drill down, however this will show all job Addresses that are not currently allocated to a Trip

These addresses can be drilled down in the same way as explained above




To move jobs from one trip to another trip

  1. Load Trip Planner,  click refresh to load available trips

  2. Highlight the trip you want move jobs from  and press  F2  to load details

  3. Click on the jobs to you wish to move to another trip,  they will highlight in blue

  4. From bottom right,  click on the   ‘move to trip’  dropdown

  5. Select the trip to move them to,  make sure the trip number appears in the dropdown box

  6. Click the  ‘Move to Trip’  button

  7. Reply ‘YES’  to pop up

  8. The selected jobs will disappear from the loaded trip

  9. Select the trip you moved them to, and press  F2  to load details

  10. You will now see the jobs on the other trip

click the screenshots to view at larger size

step 1

step 2

step 4

step 5

step 7

step 9

step 10



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