

This window is used to set the various currencies that you may need for use in Journease.

In order to add currencies you will first need to tick the Multi Currency tickbox found in the Default settings/Accounts window.

To create a new Currency click on the New Curr. button, this will create a blank row at the bottom of the table

Enter the Currency Code as set in ISO-4217 This can be looked up at http://www.xe.com/iso4217.php

Enter the Currency Name as a recognisable name, recommend using the naming convention in ISO-4217

Enter the Symbol which can be found at http://www.xe.com/symbols.php note this may require additional language packs loaded to your PC

The Exchange Rate will change from time to time, the most up to date values can be found at http://www.xe.com/currency/gbp-british-pound

The tickboxes are used to set your local currency and your Default currency