Log In Page

Log In Page

Log In Page

  1. Enter your Company Name

  2. Enter your User Name

  3. Enter Your Password

  4. Click Sign In button

The Company Name and User Names are created by Journease during the set up of your account. These details would have been supplied to you when your account was created.

The initial password would have been supplied to you when the account was set up however you have the option to Reset your password.


Password Reset

  1. Enter your Company Name

  2. Enter your User Name

  3. Enter Your Email Address

  4. Click Reset Password button


This will send an email with a Link to reset your password to the given Email Address, this link will be valid for approx. 30 minutes.


Clicking on the link will open a new Web Page where you cn enter a new password for this account.

This needs to be a COMPLEX password containing:

  • A lowercase letter (a-z)

  • An uppercase letter (A-Z)

  • A Number (0-9)

  • A special Charachter (!£$%^&*)


Once the password has been entered in each field click on the Reset Password button you will see a message saying

  • Your new Password has been Saved! You can now log in here:

With a Log in button below.

A notification will also be sent to Journease informing them of the change


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