Global - Accounts

Global - Accounts




Input details relating the your chosen third party Accounts Package if you wish to use one.

Accounts Package

Select your chosen Accounts Package from the drop down menu

If your particular Accounts Package is not present then speak to Journease Support and we can see if we can create a Link NOTE: this will incur a development charge



Cost Centre

Enter the default Nominal Code for sales in your accounts package

This needs to be exactly as it appears in your accounts package e.g. Sales or 400

If you are unsure then your accountant should be able to get this from your accounts package



Supplier Cost Centre

Enter the default Nominal Code for purchases in your accounts package

This needs to be exactly as it appears in your accounts package e.g. Costs or 5001

If you are unsure then your accountant should be able to get this from your accounts package



Terms of payment

Enter your default terms of payment for new customers

This can be a number of days from the invoice date (e.g 30 Days) or a number of days from the end of the month (e.g 30 Days EOM)



Accounts email address

Enter the Email Address that you want invoices to be sent out from

This will also serve as a reply Email address for those Emails



Invoice Prefix

Enter the prefix that you wish to appear before the invoice number (if required)

For example if you enter INV and then run invoice number 1021, your invoices, when produced, will have an invoice number of INV1021



Accounts Filename

This is the filename that will be used when exporting Invoice Data for import into your chosen accounts package

The default for this is SalesBatch (sales) and SupBatch (Costs), but these can be renamed to the file name you wish to use



Combined invoice description

This is the Description used in the data export to represent a combined invoice.

A combined invoice is a single invoice with multiple jobs as opposed to a Detailed invoice which is one Job per invoice



RHA Logo

Tick this if you are a member of the Road Haulage Association

This will add the RHA Logo to each of your Invoices



Multi Currency

Tick this if you work in currencies other than GBP

Before you can use this you will need to speak to Journease Support to have this set up correctly for your account



Invoice Text

This is a large text field that will appear at the bottom of all invoices

Typically used to display Bank details or Payment details

Note: Use SHIFT + ENTER to add a new line


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