Users & Groups

Users & Groups










Adding a new User

Providing you have sufficient Licenses you can add new users from the User Screen


  1. Select the green PLUS button which will create a new row in the table

  2. Input:-

    1. User Name - The Users Name, this cannot contain any spaces and is what the user will use when logging in

    2. Full Name - Here you can enter the full name of the user with spaces

    3. New Password / Retype New Password - Enter the password for this user to use when logging in

    4. Active - tick this Checkbox to make the user Active and allow access, unticking will make the user in-active and prevent them from logging in.

    5. Default Depot - Enter the users Depot, if you don't have multiple depots then this will be MAIN

    6. Email Address / Email From Name - This will be used as the senders email when the user sends emails from within Journease

    7. CX User Name / CX Password - If your user has their own CX log in details then enter them here, otherwise it will use the default CX details set against the company

    8. Edit Groups - Used to set the User Access groups (see below)

  3. Click on the Save Users button to save the changes










Edit Groups

Use the green PLUS button to add a new line to the right hand grid

Select a Group Name to add the group to this user.

This can be from the Pre-set Groups or Manually Created Groups (See below)

Remember to click the Save User Groups button to save the changes

Use the red MINUS button to remove a selected line from the right hand grid, thus removing the users access to that group




There are three STANDARD Groups (these can be easily seen as they will not have the ability to Select Security Options)

  1. Administrator

    1. This will give access to ALL Administrative and Child screens and functions

  2. All_Screens_Except_Admin

    1. This will give access to ALL child screens that do not require Administrators permission

  3. Multi_Depot_Access

    1. This will allow the user to see data from all Depots if set up for MultiDepot Access

    2. NOTE: If you have moved over from Legacy to GO and you only have a singe Depot then you may need to have this added to be able to view historic data


User Defined Groups

User Defined Groups can be added by anyone with Administrator Rights

  1. Click the green PLUS button to add a line

  2. Give the group a name and description

  3. Make the Group Active

  4. Click the SAVE GROUPS button

  5. Once Saved click on the Select Security Options Link to add security options to this group (see below)

  6. To Remove a group, tick the Remove Group checkbox and then Save Groups button (Note you cannot remove the above standard groups.




Select Security Options

Click the green PLUS button to add a new line to the right hand grid

Select a security option from the drop down box

Click the SAVE OPTIONS button to save the changes




Options > Groups > Users

Each Group can have multiple Security Options set against it

Each User can have multiple Groups set against them

The highest level of the allowed options will be used

e.g. if you have two groups added to a User and one allows access to Global Settings but the other doesn't, the user WILL have access to Global Settings


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