Customer Details

Customer Details

Setting Up a new Customer (Preferred Method)

Lookup / Customers / Customer Details

Fig 1.1

Fig 1.2

Fig 1.3

For details on exporting reports click here  

Fig 1.1 shows the initial screen for viewing your saved customers, Double clicking on any of the customers in the list will open that customers specific page for viewing or amending (as shown in Fig 1.2). Along the top of this screen you have the buttons to facilitate creating a New customer, Saving changes (this will only activate when a change has been made), Clearing the search box, Renaming a customer and Deleting a customer.  The small radio buttons along the top allow you to filter the customer list by Account customer - those that have an account, Non Account customers - those that are invoiced before the Job is accepted, Non Approved customers – those that you have their details but have not yet been authorised to accept Jobs, and hiding/showing Non Active Customers.

The Customers specific window (Fig 1.2) is used to view and amend a customer’s details. It is also the window that will open when you click on the New button to create a new Customer although here you will first need to Input a name for the new customer in the pop up box (Fig 1.3) which will check the new name against those stored to see if the customer is already in your list.

We will show here the method for creating a new customer (N.B. the method for viewing and amending current customers is the same.)

General Details

The top section of this window allows you to input the address and contact details for the customer. The tickboxes allow you to set certain parameters for this customer.

Firstly, you can set this customer as an Account Customer or Non-Account Customer, Non-Account Customers can be set as Approved or Non-Approved – this will affect when and how their details will be listed in the Customers windows (Fig 1.1).

The next set of tickboxes in this section refer to when Emails are automatically sent to the customer from Jobs, Auto Arrival E-Mail, Collection, Delivery and Fail

Auto Send Book job Email will send an email to the customer AND to the end user (the person the delivery is going to) provided there is an email address set against the Delivery.

Auto Send Book 'Confirm' Report will send an email to the customers main contact address with a conformation report as an attached pdf

The last set of tickboxes in this section allow you to set the customer as Active/Inactive, Automatically Create Product ID Codes (PIDs) for products being delivered (Requires Journease Warehouse) and whether to automatically allocate Live Jobs to Trips.

Depot Defaults

This section allows you to set the default depot used by this customer and override the Depot Default settings to add Start address, Finish Address or Both automatically to Jobs as they are created. (These will set the default value for this customer but can also be set on a "per job" basis when creating jobs 

Accounts Details

If the Invoice address is the same as the customer address then tick the Invoices go to the same address as main contact tick box which will auto-populate the details and lock the Address boxes. If the Invoice address is different from the customer address then you can enter the details here and select whether the Company Name will be shown on the invoices.

Enter an Email address for the Accounts department, this can be different from the main email contact that is input in the General Details at the top.

Pricing Defaults

This is where you can set up default pricing for this customer, prices can also be added per Job when Jobs are created, (Refer to How Jobs are priced to see how this section affects Job pricing). Ticking the Include Product Matrix in the Price will add any pricing associated with the PIDs (Requires Journease Warehouse).

All drop down boxes in this section are drawn from the Lookup/Finance/Matrices window

Accounting Information and Invoicing Options

Here is where we enter the customer’s account and invoicing defaults, this will be used by Journease when creating accounts files.

Default VAT Code

Select the default VAT code from those set up in the VAT Rates Window
VAT No.This is the Customer’s VAT number
CurrencyThis is the default currency for use with this customer
Factoring No. Is the number given by this customer if they use a factoring service for Invoices.
Ref. CodeTells Journease how this customer is referred to in your accounting software. 
Cost Centre This is the Invoice folder that the invoices will be imported into on your accounts package (e.g. 'Sales')
Terms Of PaymentStipulate when invoices should be paid.
Invoice Text This text will show on the Invoice below the customer’s invoice details when it is printed.
Inv. Frequency  Determines how frequent Invoices will be generated for this customer. This will have an effect on the Invoice window when filtering is applied.
Sales Rep. If a sales rep enrolled this customer and you pay them commission for their services (set in the Sales Reps Window), you can add their name here to enable that commission to be set.
Commission Start In reference to the sales rep this sets the date that commission payments should commence, this is useful if the Sales Rep is only being paid commission for a set period of time as it will automatically stop the payments when the time arrives.
Customer Group The group that this customer belongs to as defined in the Customer Groups Window.

The tickboxes here will allow you to specify the following:-

Show Address Will show delivery and collection addresses on the invoice.
Show Additional PriceWill show any additional prices, incurred on a job, on the Invoice.
Require HC PODs Determines whether the customer requires Hard Copies of proof of delivery to be sent with their invoice.
Requires PO NumberDetermines if the customer requires a valid Purchase Order before Invoicing.
Group Invoices by PO Number Will make all invoices sent out be grouped by specific Purchase Orders as opposed to Job Numbers.
HoldThis will place the customer on hold preventing any Jobs from being created for this customer.
Trip Hold This will prevent Trips from being created for this customer however Jobs can still be created in the normal way.

Address Details

This is where you can add details of addresses that this customer has collections and deliveries, these are automatically added when a new Job is created but can be populated manually as well. Addresses stored here will show on the drop down box for addresses when creating a new Job.

Additional Contacts

This is where you can manage contact information for this customer other than the main contact which has been set on the main Customer page.

Web Booking Settings

This is where you can manage your customers web booking accounts, here you can give them a username and password to allow them to log onto your web booking system to book jobs.

Customer Rates

Here you add specific Vehicle / Service Type rates for this customer, this area allows you to set the rates according to vehicle and/or service type as opposed to a blanket setting which is entered on the main Customer page. You can also set customer specific additional costs here, this can be used for regular additional costs e.g. bridge tolls for which this customer has a set price different from the one set in Lookup>Additional Prices & Costs


(Only available to Journease Warehouse users)

Warehouse users can use this window to set up invoicing and cost/pricing for warehouse duties like Trunking (transport between depots), Picking (Picking and Packing), Stock Storage (Cost for holding stock per PID) and decanting.

You have now completed the set up for a new Customer, don't forget to save your changes by clicking the Save Cust button

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