Company Details





Enter details relating to your company that

will appear on your documentation

Company Name (on Docs)

Enter your Company Name

Ticking the On Docs Checkbox will display this on your documentation

NOTE: Check with Journease Support before changing this after initial setting to ensure that it wont affect any other details (e.g. Mobile Users)



Company Address (On Docs)

Enter your Main Company Address

Ticking the On Docs Checkbox will display this on your documentation



Tel. No (On Docs)

Enter your companies Main contact number

Ticking the On Docs Checkbox will display this on your documentation



Mobile No. (On Docs)

Enter your companies mobile contact number

Ticking the On Docs Checkbox will display this on your documentation



Email Address (On Docs)

Enter your companies Main Email address

Ticking the On Docs Checkbox will display this on your documentation



VAT No. (On Docs)

If you are VAT Registered then enter your VAT Number

This will then open up the options for applying VAT to your Jobs, without this entered here you will not be able to charge VAT

Ticking the On Docs Checkbox will display this on your documentation



Default Email senders Name

Enter the default signatory name for emails sent from Journease

This will appear as the senders name in email sent from Journease



Default Email From address

Enter the reply Email address

This will be used when a recipient clicks on Reply to one of your emails sent from Journease