Global - Third Party Vendor - Courier Exchange
Settings to connect Journease to your Courier Exchange account so that Jobs can be posted to, and POD information received, from the Courier Exchange
This is the username that you use to log into CX on their site.
If you were a CX user before their change to an email type log in then use the username that you used previously.
If you joined CX and have only ever used the Email type log-in then use that email.
This is the password used to log into CX on their site.
NOTE: the password requirement for CX has recently changed to require:-
At least 8 Characters
At least 1 Uppercase Letter (A - Z)
At least 1 Lowercase Letter (a-z)
At least 1 Number (0-9)
At least 1 Special Character (!ӣ$%^&*)
Job Description
This is the DEFAULT Job Description, this can be changed on a job by Job basis, but this is what will be used if not changed.
Freight Type
This is the DEFAULT Freight Type description, this can be changed on a job by Job basis, but this is what will be used if not changed.
This is the DEFAULT Packaging description, this can be changed on a job by Job basis, but this is what will be used if not changed.
Payment Terms
This is your DEFAULT payment terms.
Notification Radius
This is the radius from your location that you wish to broadcast a posting.