Contacts - Customer Records

Contacts - Customer Records

Add new / Open existing Customer record

To add a new customer click on the Add Customer button in the top right of the screen.

Note: the new customer name MUST BE UNIQUE

To open an existing record simply click on the customer name in the customer name column of the grid





Entering a new customer



Minimum Requirements


Details TAB


Customer Name

This must be unique and may contain alpha-numeric characters


Account Type

Use the Account Cust checkbox to select:-

  • Ticked = Account Customer (will do the Job then bill at a later date via invoice)

  • Unticked = Non Account Customer (Will be expected to receive payment upfront and will be prompted to do so)


Main Address

  • Contact Name

  • Address Line 1

  • Postcode - Once geocoded will automatically fill in the City (NOTE: If postcode cannot be Geocoded then you will not be able to route to/from this address)


Invoice Address

If this is the same as the Main Address the simply tick the Use main contact checkbox and this will fill automatically

  • Contact Name

  • Address Line 1

  • Postcode - Once geocoded will automatically fill in the City (NOTE: If postcode cannot be Geocoded then you will not be able to route to/from this address)


Accounts TAB


Accounts Ref

If using a third party accounts package then this will be the name of this client as it appears in your accounts package


Cost Center

Also known as nominal code in some accounts packages

This is the folder in your accounts package to which you will be uploading invoice data.


Department Code

Only used for Sage account packages to determine the department to which you will be uploading invoice data.


Terms Of Payment

The required payment term for this customer


Details TAB


Non-Approved customer Type

These are generated automatically by Journease when creating a quote for a new customer.

Before proceeding with any work for this customer you will need to re-assign them to either an Account Customer or a Non-Account Customer depending on the required Account Type


Depot Code

If you have multiple Depots then you can select which Depot will apply to this customer

The Booking Depot can be changed on a Job by Job Basis but will default to the Depot set here.

NOTE: If you have Depot Security switched on then this customer will only be visible to users assigned to that Depot and the Booking Depot in the Job Screen will be locked


Override Depot Defaults (Checkbox)

Add Start (Checkbox)

Add End (Checkbox)

In Global Settings you can set the system to add your Depot address as the Start Address and/or End Address when creating a Job.

In the customer screen this will set the Default for this customer and override those set in Global Settings

These can also be set on a Job by Job basis


Other Comments

This is a ‘Free Text’ field where you can add comments regarding this customer.

If there is ANY text entered here then this will show as a pop-up message at the top of the Job Entry screen when the customer is selected.

This would generally be used to let the operator know of any requirements for this customer prior to booking a Job


Pricing TAB


Surcharge ( % )

This is where you can add a Default percentage surcharge that will be applied to all jobs created for this customer

This will override any surcharge set in the Global Settings, but can be overridden on a Job by Job basis


Surcharge Reason

This is where you can enter the reason for the above surcharge

NOTE: Both percentage and reason must be present for it to apply the surcharge to the Job price


Main Price Matrix (1 - 3)

This is where you can enter Price Matrices specific to this customer irrespective of Vehicle Type (see Pricing Hierarchy)


Include Product Matrix in Price (Checkbox)

Tick this if you have Pricing Matrices set to price against the products for this customer which you wish to be included in the overall price when calculated.


Waiting Time

Use the drop down box here to select the Waiting Time which will apply to this customers Jobs.

The Waiting Time itself will need to be set up in Settings - Additional Prices/Costs before it will appear as an option in the drop down list


Failed Delivery

Use the drop down box here to select the Failed Delivery Charge which will apply to this customers Failed Jobs.

The Failed Delivery Charge itself will need to be set up in Settings - Additional Prices/Costs before it will appear as an option in the drop down list


Pickup Charge

Pickup Admin Charge

Use the drop down box here to select the Pickup Charge or Pickup Admin Charge which will apply to this customers Pickup Jobs.

The Pickup Charges themselves will need to be set up in Settings - Additional Prices/Costs and marked as a Pickup Charge before it will appear as an option in the drop down list


Trunking Charge

Use the drop down box here to select the Trunking Charge which will apply to this customers Trunks (Warehouse Only).

The Pickup Charges themselves will need to be set up in Settings - Additional Prices/Costs and marked as a Pickup Charge before it will appear as an option in the drop down list


Customer Rates TAB


Vehicle Types and Services applicable to the Customer

Use this Grid to add Vehicle Types and Services from your Vehicles/Services lists to the customer when a Customer Specific Price is required.

If you have the same vehicle against different services then a line will need to be created for each Vehicle Type / Service Type combination that requires a customer specific price.

Delivery Booker Users

If this customer has been set up to allow job input through delivery booker then ALL combinations of Vehicle Type / Service Type that they are able to use on delivery booker MUST be listed here.

Delivery Booker will ONLY display these combinations and will not drop to the default values for other Vehicle Types that are set for Web Booking (see Vehicle Types/ Services)


Minimum Price

Price per Mile

Use these columns to set a minimum price and price per mile if Matrices are NOIT being used


Price Matrix (1 - 3)

Cost Matrix (1 - 3)

Select the relevant Price/Cost Matrix from the Drop Down Box

NOTE: the Matrix must first e set up in Settings - Matrices before it will appear as an option in the Drop Down


Waiting Time

Select the relevant Waiting Time that will apply for this particular Vehicle for this customer

If left blank then it will use the default set in the Customer Pricing TAB, and if not there it will use the default set against the vehicle in Vehicles/Services


Accounts TAB


Accounts Ref

If using a 3rd party accounts package then this must match the what the customer is known as in your chosen accounts package


VAT Code

Select the relevant VAT code that this customer will use by default

Additional VAT Codes can be set in Settings - % Vat Rates, they must be set up there before they will appear as an option in the drop down


VAT Number

This can be used to record the customers VAT Number and will display on the relevant invoices.


Terms Of Payment

The default terms of payment for this customer, this will appear at the bottom of the invoice



If you are set up for Multi-Currency use then you can select which currency applies to this customer when Jobs are created


Factoring No.

If you Factor invoices for this customer then you can put their Factoring Number here, this will appear on the relevant invoices

Cost Center

Also known as nominal code in some accounts packages

This is the folder in your accounts package to which you will be uploading invoice data.


Department Code

Only used for Sage account packages to determine the department to which you will be uploading invoice data.


Inv. Freq

Here you can set the frequency that this customer will be invoiced.

This will allow you to filter by Invoice Frequency on the Sales Invoices page


Customer Group

If you have customer grouping set up then you can select to which group this customer will be part of using the drop down

NOTE: Customer Groups will need to be set up first by Journease Support


Sales Rep

Commission Start Date

If you have Sales Reps set up in Journease you can use this drop down to select the Sales Rep applied to this customer.

The Commission Start Date is when you started paying commission to the Sales Rep for this customer

Commissions and Sales reps are set up in the Sales Rep Screen which will only be available on request to Journease Support if you wish to employ this action


Invoice Text

This is a ‘Free Text’ field and will apply the given text to every invoice created for this customer, this will appear at the top of the invoice below the Invoice Details

Customer Invoice Template

If you have had a custom Invoice created specifically for this customer then you can select that template here, when creating invoices you can have the Use Customer Invoice Template if available checkbox ticked in the invoice screen and it will use this for this customer only


Hide Company Name (Checkbox)

If this is ticked then the invoice will show the customers Address WITHOUT the customer Name

Show Addresses (Checkbox)

If this is ticked then the invoice will display the FULL ADDRESS for collection and delivery

Unticked it will just show the POSTCODE


Show Add. Prices (Checkbox)

If this is ticked then the invoice will itemise surcharges and additional prices

Unticked it will roll all the prices up into the main price

Require HC PODs

Require PO Numbers

If these are ticked then you can still complete a Job for this customer but you will not be able to generate an invoice unless you have signalled receipt of a Hard Copy POD and/or a PO Number

If you have not signalled receipt, when you come to tick the Jobs for invoicing a red warning will appear above the Job to let you know that it is missing an item.


Group by PO Number

If this is ticked then a separate invoice will be created for each PO Number when using Combined Invoicing.

Unticked, the Jobs will appear on a single Combined invoice but will be ordered by PO Number


Additional Contacts TAB


Add new contact

  1. Click on the green + button to create a new line

  2. The contact Name and Postcode are required fields, even if the Postcode is the same as the main contact

  3. Enter other relevant information for this contact

Remove a contact

  1. Select the contact that you wish to remove

  2. Click on the red - button to delete the contact


Remember to SAVE

Make sure to remember to click the Save button in the top left to save any changes


Messages TAB


Job Creation Emails



Send on Book Job (Checkbox)

Having this ticked will automatically send an email to the customer or contact used on the job when a new Job is saved

Example of standard Booking email


Send on Book Job Confirmation (Checkbox)

Having this ticked will automatically send an email, with an attached pdf confirmation report, to the customer or contact used on the job when a new Job is saved

Example of standard Confirmation report

Job Status Emails



Send Email on Driver Arrival (Checkbox)

Having this ticked will automatically send an ‘arrival’ email when the driver arrives at the Collection or Delivery address.

NOTE: this is triggered by adding the arrival time to the job address, this can be done via the Live Console, Job Screen or automatically via Journease Mobile or Courier Exchange if you have them set up

Example of standard Arrival email

Send Email on Goods Collected (Checkbox)

Having this ticked will automatically send a GOB email when the driver has signified Goods On Board.

NOTE: this is triggered by adding the Goods On Board time to the job address, this can be done via the Live Console, Job Screen or automatically via Journease Mobile or Courier Exchange if you have them set up

Example of the standard Goods On Board email

Send Email on Goods Delivered (Checkbox)

Having this ticked will automatically send a POD email when the driver has signified that the goods have been delivered.

NOTE: this is triggered by adding the POD time to the job address, this can be done via the Live Console, Job Screen or automatically via Journease Mobile or Courier Exchange if you have them set up


Example of the standard POD email

Send Email on Delivery Failure (Checkbox)

Having this ticked will automatically send a Falure email when the driver has signified a delivery could not be made.

NOTE: this is triggered by adding a Failure time to the job address, this can be done via the Live Console, Job Screen or automatically via Journease Mobile or Courier Exchange if you have them set up

Example of the standard Failure email


Marketing Related



Allow Marketing emails

Used if CRM is switched on to signify that Marketing Emails can be sent to this customer

Requires CRM add-on to Journease

Allow Marketing Text Messages

Used if CRM is switched on to signify that Marketing SMS messages can be sent to this customer

NOTE: this will require an Esendex account for sending SMS messages through Journease


  • CRM add-on to Journease

  • Esendex Account linked to Journease

Allow Marketing Phone Calls

Used if CRM is switched on to signify that Marketing Phone Calls can be made to this customer

Requires CRM add-on to Journease

Web Access TAB


To create a log in for your customer on Delivery Booker

Enter a minimum of Web Username, Email address and Password for your customer:-

NOTE: these items cannot be changed once created


Web Username

This must be unique throughout your database (i.e. it cannot match a username used by a different customer or Journease user)


  • At least 3 char in length

  • No Spaces (use underscore '_')


The default email address that this user will use, this can be changed on a job by job basis when booking jobs via Delivery Booker


  • Must be an email address


Select a password for this customer, the customer will be able to reset this if you have the password reset function turned on for Deliver Booker


  • At least 8 characters long

  • At least 1 uppercase letter (A-Z)

  • At least 1 lowercase letter (a-z)

  • At least 1 Number (0-9)

  • At least 1 special character (!@$%^*)


Free text field to record any comments against this user


Active (Checkbox)

When ticked these credentials can be used to log into Delivery Booker

Unticked will block access for this user


Allow Postcode Search?

When ticked this will allow the user to use the Postcode Lookup function when booking a Job



This will use one of your Loqate daily tokens:-

  • Without a Loqate account you will have 5 per day

  • With a Loqate account linked to Journease you will use one of your paid for tokens

Use Depot Start?

When ticked any Jobs entered via Delivery Booker by this user will automatically add your depot as the start address


Allow Quotations?

When ticked this user will be able to save Jobs as quotations for later


Allow Job Pricing?

When ticked this user will be able to see the Price of a Job before confirming


Pay Immediately?

When ticked this user will be required to pay upfront before a Job can be confirmed


Requires OPAYA account linked to Journease in order to take card payments online.

Add the user to the Table

Remove user form the table

Clear Entry Boxes

Refresh the table

Once the required information has been added click on the green [+] button to add the user to the table

Select the row in the table and click the red [-] button to remove the user

Clicking on the yellow Clear Entry button will clear the boxes allowing for entry of another user

Clicking the blue Refresh button will update the table


Pricing Hierarchy



Pricing Types

Automatic Pricing can be actioned using a Minimum Charge / Mile rate or by utilising Price Matrices

Price Matrices is the preferred method as it allows for more choice on how Jobs are priced

Places where automatic pricing can be added

Places where automatic pricing can be added

Automatic Pricing can be added to the following and are based on a combination of Customer, Vehicle and Service set against the Job

  • Customer

    • Customer Rates

    • Customer Fixed

  • A Service Type

    • Service Rates

  • A Vehicle Type

    • Vehicle Rates



Pricing Calculation

The order in which Prices are calculated:-



  • Manual Price Locked on the Job


  • Customer rates

    • Matching Vehicle Type and Service Type

    • Matching Vehicle Type without Service Type


  • Customer Pricing

    • Price matrices set against the customer irrespective of Vehicle Type or Service Type


  • Service Type

    • Match to Vehicle Type


  • Vehicle Type

    • Base level for automatic pricing


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