Trip Planning



Related Pages:-

Filtering Trips

Filtering can be managed using a combination of four parameters:

  • Entering a Trip Number

    • Enter the exact Trip Number in the Trip Number field

  • Filter by Exact Date

    • Enter the exact Date in the filter by date field

  • Filter by Date Range

    • Enter the starting Date in the filter by date field

    • Select the number of days you wish to be added from the drop down box



  • Filter by Depot

    • The Depot can be selected from the Depot Drop Down




Creating New Trip

  • Create Trip Button

    • Press the Yellow Button, Create Trip

    • This will then open a Modal Window


  • Modal Window

    • Select the relevant Depot.

    • Select the Trip Date

    • If you use Trip Statuses, select the required status.

    • If you use Zone Sets, select the zone set for this trip.


  • Trip Card

    • Once you click Create, you will be presented with a Card

    • This card has a summary of details for the new Trip

Show Un-Tripped Addresses

Un-Tripped Button

  • Press the Blue Button, Un-Tripped

    • This will open a Modal Window



  • Modal Window

    • This will show all addresses that are waiting to be added to a Trip

    • Commonly used columns include

      • Postcode

      • Customer

      • Address Type

      • Weights and Measures

      • ZoneSets (if used)


  • You can move the entire modal window around by clicking on the header (highlighted) and dragging

    • This will allow you to see both the modal and the required Trip Cards


Show on Map Buttons

  • You can also click Show Selected on Map (after selecting addresses) or Show all on Map

    • This will then open a Modal Window


  • Modal Window

    • This will show PINs for each of the selected addresses that are waiting to be added to a Trip

Adding Jobs to Trips


There are several ways to add an un-tripped Job to a Trip

  • Un-Tripped to New or Existing Trip

    • Tick the required check boxes on the left hand side of each row.

    • You now have two options:


  • image-20240530-153150.png Add to New Trip

    • This will open up the Modal Window for Trip Creation allowing you to create a new Trip

    • The selected addresses will automatically be added to the Trip once created


  • image-20240530-153130.png Add to Existing Trip, (you will need the trip number prior to clicking the button).

    • This will open a small modal window

    • Enter the trip number

    • Click Update Trip.

    • The Selected Addresses will be moved onto the designated Trip



  • Dragging from Un-Tripped Modal to Trip Card

    • Select all the Addresses that you wish to add to the Trip

    • Click on the Candybox image-20240530-154417.png

    • holding the left mouse button, drag onto the relevant Trip card.

    • Click yes to confirm the move.





  • Dragging from Existing Trip Modal to Trip Card

  • Click on the pencil Icon on an existing trip

    • This will open a Small Trip Modal

    • Job Addresses can be moved to another Trip in the same way as from the Un-Tripped Modal




  • From Map to Trip

  • Click on the Map Icon to open a map showing addresses currently on the Trip

  • Right Click on the map to drop green PINs



  • Click Set Group

    • All addresses within the selected area will be added to the Group

    • Click Clear Group if you need to start again


  • Click the Add to Trip

    • This will open another Modal Window listing available Trips

    • Select the trip that you wish to move the selected group to.

    • Alternatively Create a New Trip

      • Addresses in the selected Group will be added automatically when the Trip is created

Opening A Trip

  • A Trip can be opened in a number of ways

    • Entering the Trip Number in the Trip No. Filed

    • Double clicking on a Trip Card

    • Clicking a Link from another view in Journease Go.

  • Each method will open a Trip Modal