Sample Reports
Sample Reports
Report (Click link to view example) | Description - These are reports that are available in Journease as standard, Other reports are available as customisations |
Additional Price/Costs Summery.pdf | Shows Additional Prices and Costs on each Job Number as defined by Supplier or Customer |
Costs by Supplier.pdf | Shows Supplier Costs defined by Supplier and listed by Job Number |
Costs by Supplier (Basic Information).pdf | Shows a basic list of Supplier Costs defined by Supplier and listed by Job Number |
Costs by Supplier (Order by Del. Date).pdf | Shows a basic list of Supplier Costs defined by Supplier and listed by Job Number but ordered by delivery date |
Delivery List.pdf | A report that can be printed and handed to your driver showing Delivery addresses, ETA and with section for obtaining POD details and signature |
Similar to Delivery List but with more detail and nicer look, used for Hard Copy PODs | |
Employed Driver Costs.pdf | Same as Costs by Supplier but for Employed Drivers |
Invoice Statement.pdf | Basic Invoice Statement defined by Customer |
Invoice Statement (ver 2).pdf | Same as Invoice Statement but includes Job Numbers |
Invoice Summary.pdf | Shows a summary of invoices with a NET amount and VAT shown separately also shows payments received |
Job History (As recorded on the Live console).pdf | Shows a list of Jobs that have been processed through the Live Console giving details of GOB/POD times |
Job Profitability (All Jobs).pdf | Gives a run down of Jobs Actual/Estimated costs vs Price to show profit per Job |
Job Profitability (Invoiced Only).pdf | Same as above but will only show Jobs that have been invoiced |
Job Sheet.pdf | Gives a hard copy of a particular Job showing all details pertaining to that Job Number |
Job Summary.pdf | A boxed report showing Jobs by Customer, Supplier/Driver or Job Number Range |
Job Summary (Basic Details).pdf | A list of all Jobs defined by Customer, Supplier/Driver or Job Number Range with collection/Delivery addresses, dates, loaded miles, total miles and price |
Job Summary (inc. cost).pdf | A boxed report showing Jobs by Customer, Supplier/Driver or Job Number Range and including supplier and vehicle costs |
Outstanding PODs.pdf | A report of all Jobs that don't have a Hard Copy POD but require one before invoicing, defined by Supplier |
Phone List - Customers.pdf | A list of Customer phone numbers, can be filtered to show single customer or complete list of all customers |
Phone List - Suppliers.pdf | A list of Suppliers phone numbers, can be filtered to show single supplier or complete list of all suppliers |
POD Details.pdf | A boxed report showing POD capture from Jobs completed using Journease mobile |
POD Details (with External References).pdf | A boxed report showing POD capture from Jobs completed using Journease mobile showing external references for each POD |
Sales Analysis by Driver.pdf | Analysis of Jobs defined by Employed Driver showing Est/Act price per Job and Total Price |
Sales Analysis by Supplier.pdf | Analysis of Jobs defined by Supplier showing Est/Act price per Job and Total Price |
Sales Analysis by Vehicle Type.pdf | Analysis Of jobs performed by each Vehicle type showing percentage of overall Jobs, prices and profit margin |
Sales Analysis by Vehicle Type 2.pdf | Analysis Of Price/Cost/Profit and no. of Jobs performed by each Vehicle Type |
Sales by Sales Rep.pdf | Shows a report of all sales defined by Sales Rep showing Total price/Cost/Profit per Job, Commission percentage and Commission of Price / Profit |
Sales by Sales Rep (Within Commission Time Period).pdf | Shows a report of all sales defined by Sales Rep showing Total price/Cost/Profit per Job, Commission percentage and Commission of Price / Profit, showing only those that are still within commission time period |
Stock Summary | A list of all regular Stock used by each customer, defined by Product code |
Trip List.pdf | Hard Copy POD for trips showing delivery address, package details and vehicle details |
Unmatched Supplier Invoices.pdf | A list of all outstanding invoices that have yet to be matched to supplier invoices |
Unpaid Invoices.pdf | A list of all invoices awaiting payment |
VAT Summary.pdf | A VAT summary listed by Invoice number showing a breakdown of cost / VAT |
Vehicle Costs.pdf | A breakdown of vehicle costs defined by vehicle and listed by Job Number, Also shows Vehicle statistics like Next MOT, Tax, Insurance |
Vehicle Defect History (By Checker).pdf | A list of outstanding Vehicle Defects defined by the Checker and listed by Reg No. |
Written Quotation.pdf | Same report as a Invoice Statement but titled as Quotation |
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