

To view the PDA Locator shown above, in Journease select Mapping > Show PDA Locator

If you are signed up for the GPS add-on in Journease Mobile you will be able to use this locator to track last known position and recent movements

  1. All Curr. Pos' = show all current PDA positions on the map
  2. Todays Pos' = track all positions of all mobiles for today
  3. Select Mobile User = use this to select a specific PDA by username
  4. Plot Last 100 = show the last 100 map points that this PDA was seen
  5. Find driver = will attempt to sync to the PDA and will show its current location on the map *
  6. Start Date/Time & End Date/Time = allows you to set criteria for tracking the PDA
  7. 1 hr / 2 hrs / 4hrs / 8hrs = quick use buttons to check location for last hour / 2 hours etc (changes Start Date/Time relevant to End Date/Time)
  8. Plot Timed Movements = Shows movements on map based on above criteria *
  9. Display Information Bubble = will add information about the location to the map
  10. Start = start real-time tracking for the selected device *

* Locations are based on when the device last synced with Journease The device will sync when the Journease app is running and the driver is actively in the app making changes e.g. changing pages, checking jobs or clicking Synchronise (in the three dot menu)

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