On the mobile phone navigate to either the Apple store or the Google play store depending on your phone O/S
Search for the Journease Warehouse app (Fig 1), there is also a Journease Mobile APP which is used for signature capture on Jobs and Trips and is explained in a separate section.
Install the App onto the phone
Once installed run the App, the first time it is run you will be asked for an activation code (Fig 2) this is created in Journease by navigating to Lookup>Administration>Users (Fig 3)
Once there click on New and input a unique username and Full Name for this user.
Tick the Scanner User box to register this user as a warehouse scanner
Select a Default Depot where this scanner is going to be used
You do not need to enter a password for this user as this will be connected using the Activation Code
Click Save at which point a unique activation code will be generated, enter this code into the mobile App.