Load Vehicle

Load Vehicle

Picture APIcture B

Open Journease Warehouse and select Load Vehicle from the main menu (picture A)

The next screen you see will ask you for either a Job Number or Trip Number and the Vehicle registration of the vehicle being loaded, The location that you are loading from or the Trunking Code if this is a warehouse Trunking run.

For this example we will opt to put in the vehicle registration and Job number

PIcture A shows the Job we are loading, as we can see we have four handbags to load for Job 17461, so we enter these details into the warehouse App (Picture B).

The Vehicle registration is the chosen vehicle for the Veh. Type / Svc - 7.5 ton as shown in the top left of the Job screen.

Click on LOAD VEHICLE to move to the next screen

The next screen will list the items that need to be loaded, in this case four handbags (Picture A), using the scanner, scan the PID barcode of a handbag, this will add the PID to the screen and place a green border around the added item, repeat for each of the items.

Picture B shows how the screen looks after three items have been scanned, note that each scan will need to be of a different PID.

If the same PID is scanned twice then you will get an error message to say that the scan is invalid as the item is already loaded (picture A). A similar error message will be shown if the PID scanned is incorrect for the item you are trying to load.

Tapping on the screen will bring up a request box asking if you wish to look up this code in Stock Enquiry?

Clicking NO will take you back to the load vehicle screen

Clicking YES will take you to the Stock Enquiry screen that will list all available PIDs for the product you are trying to load allowing you to see the location where they are being stored. once a correct item has been found and scanned the Appwill return you to the load vehicle screen ready to scan the next item.

Once all the items have been scanned and added then the screen will turn green (Picture B). If you navigate to the Warehouse>Stock Items & PIDs window in journease we can now see that the PIDs that we have just loaded are now allocated to the customer and the Location Code now shows the items as being located on the vehicle.

Once the screen has turned green you can exit the load vehicle screen by clicking the back button on your mobile device to take you back to the main menu.

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