Vehicles In Delivery Booker

Vehicles In Delivery Booker


Vehicles not showing in delivery booker when creating a job


Delivery Booker takes its vehicle information from a number of places

First place to check is in Vehicles & Services>Vehicle Types & Services This is the root level for adding vehicles to Delivery Booker
  1. Select the Vehicle Type that you want to add to Delivery Booker
  2. Scroll along to find the columns headed Show For Web Booking and Web Booker Description
  3. Tick the Show For Web Booking box to allow this vehicle to be used and enter a description of the vehicle under Web Booker Description.

The above will be overridden if you have customer specific rates set against the customer Lookup>Customers>Customer Details>customer name>Customer Rate. If you have any vehicles set up in here then Delivery Booker will use these vehicles instead of those set in the default area shown above.

This is so that you can set specific vehicles on a 'per customer' basis for Delivery Booker as opposed to one size fits all.

If you have customer specific rates for some vehicles but not others, however you want those other vehicles to be available on Delivery Booker then simply add them to the customer rates screen with the same prices as are set in the default area.

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