How to replan a previously delivered job

How to replan a previously delivered job


Sometimes you may need to replan an already completed job on to a different trip


  1. First , double check the job actually has a POD against it


Actions Screens > Jobs & Quotations

Load the job

In ‘Current Route‘  Double click the ‘position’ against the Delivery Address

On left hand side,  choose  GOB/POD info   tab

Check that it has a POD time / POD text


If Yes,  then go to section 2,  if not then go to section 3


screenshots to be added

2. Use POD Recorder screen to remove the POD


Actions Screens > POD Recorder

Enter job number, return to load job

Press Rem’v POD   button  (red x)



3. Alter the Job status back to something other than Delivered (may not be applicable for everyone)


Actions Screens > Jobs & Quotations

Load the job

Change ‘job status’   to something other than ‘delivered’

Save the job

Warehouse > Stock Items & PIDs

Tick  ‘View Old PIDs’   (top of window)

Search for PID from above

Click on PID to select it

Click the small green button with arrow in it 

It will ask if you want to resurrect  Yes / No

Click YES

This will make the PID ‘live’ again


4. Resurrect the PIDs that were associated with that Job


Actions Screens > Jobs & Quotations

Load the job

In ‘Current Route‘  Double click the ‘position’ against the Delivery Address

Expand ‘Address Product Summary’ via blue arrow icon

Show PIDS -  note the PID number



5. Move the Job from the old Trip to a new one (using the Move function on the Trip screen)


Actions Screens > Jobs & Quotations

Load the Trip that the job you need to move  is on

Under ‘Job Addresses on Trip’  section  ,  tick the  ‘Multi Select Mode’ box

This will show the  ‘Move To Trip’ button

Select the job you need to replan

From the dropdown,  select the trip you want to move the job on to  (the  trip you want to move it to  must already exist)

Click the green  ‘go’  button

 Are you sure ?   YES

Job will now be moved to the trip you selected




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